It’s also against the law to drive in the left lane unless you are passing. That’s called stupid behavior, driving against the law. Keep to the right bud!!!
I take it you’ve never driven in the Boston area. Driving on the left is where MOST people drive. It’s so annoying. I can’t tell you how many native Boston drivers I’ve met who said that when they get on the highway they move over to the left lane and sit there because it’s easier for them.
In my area, it’s the drivers of cars with NY and PA plates who seem to think that it’s appropriate to act like a rolling roadblock in the left lane of interstate highways and the NJ Turnpike.
Many years ago, I rode with a NYC woman in her father’s very old Buick, and as soon she entered the NJ Turnpike, she IMMEDIATELY moved over to the left lane, where she proceeded to drive ~5-7 mph under the speed limit. I asked her why she was driving in the left lane, and her answer was, “I feel much safer over here”.
I desperately wanted to use the seatbelt as cars zoomed up in back of us and swerved around us, but the belt was twisted into an immovable mass. That was the last time that I ever agreed to let her drive.
Depends on the state. Should be a federal law.
fwiw . . . my mom’s in her 80s and is a very careful driver
But she drives the prevailing speed and keeps up with traffic
Agree! In Arkansas they put signs every few miles in the median saying keep right except to pass state law. No one dawdles in the left lane as I’ve seen troopers pull them over. In Illinois they tried that and the seniors kicked up such a storm that they abandoned it. Now you see dingalings in the left lane who then invariably at the last minute swerve across traffic to exit at their exit. Those drivers belong on a bus. As a passenger. Hmmm. Maybe that’s the solution. Require everyone to get a CDL. Bad drivers would never pass it.
I live in Chicago. They’re just as bad. Also likely to have no headlights on at night. But hey everyone is starting to complain about car insurance. Not me. I get a 60% discount since I’ve never made a claim. They should also be like Germany and require all cars to be repaired before they can drive again. I’m tired of cars with dents all over the place. Obvious crap drivers.
Which I know enough to not do!
Your issue is that you think driving below the speed limit, even 1-2mph, in whatever lane, is somehow “stupid behavior”.
Which means you succumbed, probably long ago, to that American “culture of speed”, which stipulates the posted speed limit as the slowest to drive.
This is America, and you can’t tell an American what to do.
I was with you for awhile, until you made a few comments I didn’t appreciate
You seemed to disparage senior drivers. As mentioned, my mom’s in her 80s, is very careful, drives the prevailing speed and keeps up with traffic. She doesnt crash and she’s NOT a left lane hog. I didn’t appreciate you insinuating seniors are clueless and dangerous drivers
I also didn’t agree with your theory that someone driving a dented and ugly car must be a bad driver. You have no idea how long they’ve had the car, if they bought it looking like that, etc. And maybe they don’t have the money to get the car looking great again. It’s also possible they’re wisely spending their money on other things and maybe that ugly car is actually safe and reliable and easily passes smog- and safety inspections
Not at all. If you’re in the right lane I’m cool. 1-2 under never upsets me.
Even if you’re on a 2 lane road (one each way) I’m cool. I usually won’t bother to pass and I won’t tail gate.
Unfortunately. We’ve become a nation of very rude people. Just look around. Manners? Went away with the greatest generation or maybe the silent generation. Now it’s just me, myself and I.
Sorry if I implied I disparage senior drivers. I did not mean it. I’m a senior driver.
I hope your mom is a good driver. My mom was in her 80s and drove up until the last couple years of her life. She was a far better driver than my dad. My mom drove the speed limit plus maybe a few mph. She could drive me any time.
My dad drove under the limit and hogged the left lane and didn’t pay attention. I preferred riding with my mom. I drove my dad. So did my mom.
If a car passes safety I’m fine but many states don’t have safety inspections. I see a lot of unsafe cars. And given my 2 years of auto shop class I know an unsafe car and 1 of 20 are probably unsafe. My niece just got t-boned by a driver with dents all over, not just where she hit her. Driver said sorry, my brakes don’t work well. Damn it lady, I don’t care! A few feet to the right and she would have killed my niece 17 years old. That’s why junk cars should be junked. Take the bus and accept some manners for your fellow drivers.
That’s okay
And thank you for the additional information
While your response is reasonable and gears towards giving the benefit of the doubt, there is no denying it that drivers who drive around in dented up vehicles are oftentimes dangerous drivers.
Heck, I get pushed off the road by these kinds of vehicles. I would see a huge dent in the side, back, fender, etc, whenever I’m abruptly cut off the road by them. Then I would smh and say “ no wonder yall. vehicles looking like trash “
My neighbor’s maid is one. All her vehicles are dented up before they are totaled.
Still, I like that you give benefits of the doubt rather than to pass harsh judgment.
I disagree. All the roads are crowded around me, even the ten lane highways. I like to joke that I-95 is eight lanes of parking between Baltimore and Washington. It’s reasonable here to allow travel in all lanes.
If it is the law to stay in the right lane unless passing everywhere, then why do they build 3,4,5,6+ lane wide (one way) interstates?? You would only need a 2 lane interstate in that case…
Traffic volume
It is usually written as left lane is for passing only. When there are only two lanes, then the right lane is the travel lane. When there are 6 lanes, all lanes right of the left lane are travel lanes… The RMV signs around here say- stay right except to pass
Just making a point, if everyone stayed in the far right lane instead of using the available other multiple lanes, your 29 minute drive using the 5-6 lane would now take a lot longer staying in the far right lane not using the rest of the 5-6 lane road…
Another words, imagine the same high traffic volume currently using 5-6 lanes, and they made it fed law that you must stay in the far right lane (except to pass), and now 100% of that same volume of traffic now only using 1 lane (except to pass)…