Here's what Your Culture of Speed Gets You

Uhm, I think you have confused me for #47.

No, I don’t have you confused with that other person

You’re the one railing against us “bad people” who are driving the prevailing speed

It seems you’re angry about people who you perceive to be driving too fast, so I’m wondering if you’re cursing them out or shaking your fists in anger at them as they pass you

I certainly hope you’re not

You’re already causing a dangerous situation by holding up traffic

I hope you’re not further escalating it by letting the bad speeders see you yelling at them :rage: or shaking a fist :fist:

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This thread is annoying. No one seems willing to accept that people do what they want with respect to speed limits. If you want to drive at or near the speed limit it is your job to stay out of the way of those that want to speed. If you exceed the speed limit it’s your job to pass others safely and accept that you might get a ticket for your driving habits. Just get on with your drive and stop whining about how others should conform to whatever it is that you do. All that gets you is angry.


IIRC there was a respected car-designer w/last name “Karen”. So referring to someone as “karen” might be considered a high complement in car-circles.

I consider the whole “Karen” trend ret____ed and stupid.

I call obnoxious people obnoxious, or entitled, or a-holes, idiots, whatever.

Oh well, it is the 2020s, so not holding out much hope for common sense. I just feel bad for all the actual Karens of the world.

And I do exactly that - which doesn’t seem to be getting through to most of the thick headed in this conversation.


Every driver should obey the traffic laws including the speed limit. If the speed limit seems too low, change the law.

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And/or, change how LE does their jobs

(said TireWhisperer to no one there
And no one heard at all
Not even the chair

Just because someone is named Karen, doesn’t mean they’re a “Karen”. Most people understand the difference and can laugh it off. It’s not necessary to take life so seriously. The term “Miss Ann” was used in the early 19th century to describe a similarly demanding person.

I have no issue with how you drive. Whether it’s 5 or 10 mph under the speed limit, as long as you’re not doing anything illegal, what do I care? I’ll drive around you and get where I’m going, at worst, 15 seconds later. You seem like a good guy. Why do you spend so much time trying to convince others on this forum of your way of thinking?

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Self-recognition is always difficult.


The guidelines of the Federal Highway Administration recommend that a road’s speed limit be set at the speed at which 85% of free-flowing traffic drives on that highway. In other words, the prevailing speed of 85% of the traffic should be the determinant of the posted speed limit. On most interstate highways with which I am familiar, that would translate to ~ 70-75 mph.

And the wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round. The wheels

I am loosing IQ points here
 Nobody is gonna change anyone’s mind here about the way they have been driving for years and years, :crazy_face:

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I said the opposite, but I guess as usual I was misunderstood. What I meant was that I felt sorry for all the people actually NAMED KAREN by their parents.

Ave Maria
 Frickn 20-dumbazz-24!

Cute joke, but never going to happen
 as someone who served in the military for over 30-years, the person behind the “out-of-step” person has two choices, step wide to keep from stepping on that person’s heels, or kick them in the ankle and yell, “Get in step
” It only takes a couple of kicks to straighten out the “out-of-stepper

The person driving behind the lane hog also has two choices; they can stay behind or pass. Unfortunately, some passing is not much different than kicking the lane hog in the ankle. Unsafe lane change, pass and cut the hog off, brake checking the hog, etc

To be honest, personally I don’t care how slow you are driving as long as there are lanes to pass you and you are and stay in the far right lane
 What ticks me off is on back roads in a 30mph where the prevailing speed is 35 to 45 depending on what is around you (no kids, etc) and you are going from 20 to 28 mph with no way to pass you
 That really gets under my skin
 away from the city of course

Or better yet a long curvy scenic drive with a 50 mph limit and no passing lines and some idiot decides to drive it doing 35-40 mph
 Those are the ones that make me want to install a push bumper and use the PIT maneuver on them


Those guys you described SHOULD be removed from the road, because they’re endangering other drivers and don’t belong behind the wheel, imo


You weren’t misunderstood. I knew what you meant and my comment indicates that. You feel sorry for people named Karen by their parents. I get it but why feel bad for them? My point that it’s just a silly coincidence and any reasonable person named/not named Karen can laugh it off. There are many things to care about in this world: an ailing friend, neighbor, or stranger for example. A naming coincidence is not one of them IMO.

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One of my irritants is people that have a nice speed in passing zones, then slow to 10 under in no passing zones, 2 lane roads in my fair state,


Holy cow. I go on vacation for 11 days and this conversation is still going!


No! I’m I speaking Jawa? I feel sorry that people named Karen have had their name used such in a ridiculous manner.

If y’all don’t understand that explanation, then I’m just gonna self-meditate myself like Ashton Kutcher back forty years where life made sense.