A couple weeks ago on a vacation while sharing Interstate driving responsibilities with my wife and daughter, my daughter and I had a discussion on this topic.
Now I learn that following a 193 vehicle Interstate pile-up in inclement weather, recently in Michigan, shutting down the road and taking 2 days to clear, a rather careful investigation of the collisions was performed. Authorities wanted to learn from this in order not to have a replay.
Police then issued 63 citations for speeding to some of the drivers involved in the pile-up. The speeding tickets were not necessarily for exceeding the speed limit, but for breaking Michigan’s law pertaining to driving too fast for conditions. (Sometimes conditions do not allow travel at speed as high as the posted limit.)
I tell my wife and daughter to always check conditions before and during traveling and if conditions are not good to change plans. I have been known to leave Interstates and drive surface roads that allow for slower speeds until conditions improve (more danger because 2 direction traffic, less danger because slower speeds).
We’ve all been there, caught in fog, driving rain, ice, snow, etcetera. It’s tough because going with the flow keeps people from flying past at a mismatched speed or flying up to your rear-end and locking up the brakes… and going with the flow is too fast.
Let’s hear some tips and advice. What should one do when traveling in less than ideal conditions?