Here's what Your Culture of Speed Gets You

Can’t read it and not paying for it…


The article mentions nothing of speeding

For me, it shows you need to be aware what’s going on around you

We’ll all . . . except you . . . continue to drive safely with the flow of traffic, which is typically a few mph faster than the actual speed limit

But you’ll continue to drive very slowly, well under the speed limit, holding up the flow of traffic, enraging other drivers and causing a dangerous situation

Your article changes nothing

Why did you post it?


I didn’t read the article. Can’t waste my time. I’ve been driving well over 50 years and I’ve seen and read many reports on traffic safety. I know for a FACT that driving below the prevailing speed limit is DANGEROUS to the driver and everyone else on the road - especially in moderate to heavy traffic. Those are FACTS.


52mph in a 55 is not “well under” posted. It is within the law, 40min to max 55mph.

And in most cases it’s well below the prevailing speed limit of all the other drivers who are doing 60+…Driving 52mph when everyone else is doing 60+ is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS to you and everyone around you.


A thousand wrongs don’t make it right!

The ones who should be enforcing the speed limits are otherwise occupied.


When my wife’s aunt couldn’t keep up with traffic anymore she stopped driving.


Not the same thing exactly. I make a conscious effort to drive within the law.

It adds five minutes to a trip from Stamford to Bridgeport CT, and, at most, ten minutes from Stamford to the state capitol.

Doing 65 in a 55, on the other hand, means occasional brake checks up ahead, and lane changes. Those extra seconds can accumulate into additional minutes to ones trip.

The one that is going that much slower than the rest of the traffic, is the one that stands a better chance of being pulled over.

Sticking out like that gets the LEO’s attention, They will pull you over just to see if you are impaired.

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The speed difference between vehicles is a far greater creator of accidents than speeding alone. Going 50 when all around are going 64mph is more dangerous than keeping up with the speed of the other cars. Researchers have determined that in several studies.


I wish that was the case in Florida for the left lane loafers, LEOs just pass on the right!
While Chris’ driving is legal, there are few that would like to be around him.


That’s a combination of culture and enforcement.

It would be easier to change someone’s religious/political views then it will be for anyone of us to change our minds about driving habits…

Can we all just move on and agree to disagree??..

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Here’s what the “trying to be the traffic police” gets you-


I think it’s interesting that one person–who is in a very small minority when it comes to his driving habits–thinks that endlessly repeating the same diatribe is going to convince everyone else that they are wrong, and he is right.

There was an old joke about the parents of a young soldier (Johnny), who visited Johnny’s training camp on the day that he and the other troops were “graduating” from basic training. As the group marched in formation before the commanding General and guests, it was obvious that one soldier was out-of-step with everyone else.

The young soldier’s mother nudged the commanding officer and said, “Look, General! Everyone’s out-of-step… except Johnny!”


It can also be said that it is interesting that everyone else (majority) is trying to convince him (minority) otherwise… Yes I have been plenty guilty also… lol

Anyway, nobody is changing anyone else’s mind on here about how they drive, so why even bother??..


just because you’re not exceeding the speed limit doesn’t make what you’re doing right

you’re holding everyone up and making them angry

you’re clearly a problem driver

Never made any comment on right or wrong, just what’s safe and unsafe. You are an UNSAFE driver.