Happy July 4th

Hope everyone has a Happy and Safe 4th of July.

Star Spangled STEEL - YouTube


Been to the parade already. Bands playing all day long. Home made pies, hot dogs, and pulled pork sandwiches till it gets dark, then all heck breaks loose. Great country.


Fantastic , an American celebration with imported Flags and fireworks . Somehow that is just wrong.


Happy fourth every one I think we look pretty good for being 245 years old. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


Lee Greenwood - God Bless The USA - YouTube

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I know it’s hard to stay positive with all the negative propaganda floating around, but my flags were made in the USA. The newest large one was sent by the USO if you contribute. The small ones are from the Legion source. Research what the signers and framers went through, and that’s why it’s a celebration for those that came after.

I don’t know if you noticed or remember but very shortly after 9 11 American flag makers sold out of their stock and could not make new ones fast enough to keep up with demand. Importers jumped on the band wagon and for a while 90 to 95% of the american flags sold were primarily made in Asia.


just in case some don’t know…
Burial Flags (usps.com)
VA Flags are manufactured to stringent standards using 100% US materials and construction.

I played in a band for a July 4th.concert. Between two of the patriotic selections we played, we had a flag folding presentation and a narrative as to what each fold meant. It was quite impressive.
It was great to be able to perform again since our concerts had to be cancelled last year.