'God, Guns and Freedom' (Oh, and a new Ford!)

In an active shooter situation, you shoot the shooter. Now. You’ve been trained. Pretty straightforward.


Quite a few NRA events are gun free @Scrapyard_John.


I found 4 in the last 2 years. They find convenient excuses, of course.

I was a member of the NRA for quite a while but they lost me with their zero tolerance for any restrictions on firearms, specifically ‘cop killer’ rounds and unlimited magazine capacities.


Doesn’t matter. The fact that mass shootings are an almost weekly occurrence indicates that the “legalities” are insufficient to keep people who should not have guns away from guns, and yet here’s this dealership eagerly handing out guns (fine, certificates for free guns. Same difference) to anyone who wanders in and buys a truck. It’s irresponsible.

As to people being armed making things safer, you’re expressing the same sentiments white belts used to express when I taught self defense. “I’ll go buy a knife/gun/mace and that will make me safe from the bad guy.” Well, no, it won’t unless you train in how to use it in a combat situation and keep up with your training. Otherwise, you’re going to screw up and either have your weapon taken by the “bad guy,” or you’ll shoot/stab/mace someone who doesn’t deserve it. Merely having the weapon isn’t enough, but most people with guns at most plink away at targets at a gun range. They don’t go through any sort of combat training with it, yet people think they’ll save the day when a lunatic starts shooting? That’s fantasy.

This is a statement typically made by what we call keyboard warriors / internet tough guys. In an active shooter situation, you’re terrified, you may not even know where the shots are coming from, and you lose fine motor control because you’re panicking, and if you manage to even get shots off, the likelihood that you’ll hit what needs to be hit is remote unless you’ve trained extensively.

From your statement, by the way, I can tell that you haven’t.


I don’t recall claiming that I wouldn’t be terrified. I have no issue admitting that I would. And I don’t believe any amount of training would prevent that. The fact remains, I would stand a better chance against an armed attacker if I was armed.

And since you’re making assumptions, you probably infer that I carry a weapon and I’m just itching to get into a situation. 99% of the time I don’t carry, so more likely than not I wouldn’t be the armed person at an incident. But I sure wouldn’t mind someone being armed if some maniac is shooting up the place.

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Unless You are very well (make that extremely well) trained - the fact remains, You’ll stand a good chance of killing innocent Miss Smith, a single mother of three, and get Yourself killed at the same time.
Many people say guns don’t kill. YES THEY DO. BECAUSE THEY ARE IN THE HANDS OF IDIOTS.


I don’t disagree. But what’s the other option? Count the dead until the police arrive?

Yes, people are idiots. Otherwise we wouldn’t be having a conversation about mass shootings. Unfortunately we can’t outlaw idiots. I don’t consider myself an idiot. So I’d rather take my chances as armed vs unarmed if I had a choice.

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I actually have been trained…and your comment tells me you haven’t been trained.


A lot more then weekly. Maybe shootings with fatalities…

Mass shootings so far this year.

For 2018…

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Great! Hopefully you retain the right to keep a weapon and can protect me.

If you’re not armed, the training is useless.

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More and more I have been drawn into agreement with those who demand a significant rethinking of the firepower that can be owned by me and Joe Blow. It is totally unreasonable to think that the average American has any need for a cut down, light weight, semi-automatic carbine with a 20+ round quick change magazine of high velocity rounds that was designed to “spray and pray” when “assaulting” an enemy or dashing for cover from an enemy… BTDT and got the dog tags. Such weapons on the street are indicative of 3d world dictatorships and this country had supposedly become civilized beyond that point by the time Judge Roy Bean retired.

More firepower means more mayhem and less firepower means less mayhem. We need to drastically reduce the firepower.


I fear stringent gun laws would work about as well as the war on drugs. There’s still plenty of drugs. Law abiding citizens tend to not have them, for the most part. Reasonable law abiding citizens are the only ones you want to have the guns.

Not going to get into exactly which types of guns should be legal. Obviously a line should be drawn somewhere. But that can be a slippery slope.

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Ah…Wrong again. I suggest you take training class before you keep quoting uninformed information.

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As a retired educator, I can tell you that the thought of arming my former co-workers is almost as frightening as the prospect of an armed invader. Even if they were–supposedly–trained for this task, I wouldn’t trust most of them to act calmly and rationally in that type of adrenaline-pumping emergency. And, that includes the school’s principal and vice-principal. Out of a faculty of ~120 people, I can think of only 2 or 3 whom I would trust with a weapon.

Of course not!
Guns are prohibited at most of their large gatherings.
Now, there is food for thought!

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Do You, for just one second, think that the perpetrator will not take that into account before he starts killing children?
And act accordingly?
Do You really believe that, that will prevent it from happening?

We require people to obtain a license in order to drive a motor vehicle, but some people still drive without a license. Should be do away with driver’s licenses because the license requirement isn’t 100% effective?

(See? I brought this back to cars…)

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No, it’s not even close to the same thing. They still have to go through the same legally mandated clearance checks as if they walked into the store on their own accord to purchase a shotgun. IMO, your argument loses a lot of steam when you exaggerate or make wild accusations regarding the actual situation…

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Yours loses steam when you only quote half the sentence. Here’s the other half, as a reminder:

Folks you are really getting carried away. Like push a button or use a trigger word and everyone goes off the deep end. It’s a 12 ga. double barrel shot gun. It’s used for hunting or trap, not a concealed carry. It’s a car sales promotion and the first rule of advertising is to get their attention. It was a success. It got everyone’s attention. I’ve got all three and don’t need any of it except maybe a truck. It’s just a sales promotion and it obviously worked.

Oh and let’s be a little realistic. When you talk about the Vegas incident, you aren’t exactly going to use a hand gun against a sniper ten stories or so up in a hotel. And he had multiple weapons so capacity was really a non factor. Of course the real issue is why we have not gotten the full story of the event yet.


I only needed to quote the section I did. You made an equivalence statement which was completely false. It stands on it’s own.

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Yes it is used for hunting or trap shooting…but why does that mean you’re American if you own one?

The other point which you seem to miss…It doesn’t matter what they are giving away. The fact that people fell for it is what’s stupid. They probably could have gone down the street and buy the same vehicle at a better price then buy themselves the bible, flag and shotgun of their choice and still have money left over. Great it’s working for the dealership. He surely knows how gullible his customers are.