Getting snow off the car

I support Keith’s point. Although I don;t use rainX, I make sure the car is well waxed just before winter and it makes a huge difference.

I have a metal carport also,some of my best piggybank investment ever-Kevin

Tell your husband that I will sell him a special snow brush made from the soft hairs of virgin unicorns sprinkled with fairy dust. These brushes will not scratch your car. Please ignore the fact that they look just like the plastic snow brushes at the auto store.

Cover your arm in a plastic bag and sweep it off that way keeps your jacket dry and no scratching of the paint finish.

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Has ANYONE EVER scratched the paint on their vehicle with a snow brush??? Been driving in snow country for 40 years and NEVER seen any snowbrush capable of scratching a cars finish.

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True, Mike, but of it causes discord between the couple I think a soft rubber snow pusher is a good investment. I have a ladyfriend who worries about scratching her paint and she loves her snow pusher.

Well, it could be worse for hubby, based on what I witnessed many years ago.
Our next-door neighbors had a new-ish Pontiac, and following a snowstorm, their son (probably about 12 years old at the time) decided to use a shovel to remove most of the snow from the car.

No, he did not skim the shovel across the top surface of the snow.
He used the shovel on the hood and trunk of that car in the same way that you would shovel snow from a sidewalk.

Needless to say, his father was NOT a happy camper when he saw the damage to his beloved Star Chief sedan.

The snow brush itself will not harm the finish, BUT, if the surface of the car was very dirty, especially if the dirt has some grit in it, then brushing snow off the surface can damage the finish. Thats another good reason for a good wax job before the snow flies.

Don’t do what a customer of mine did. He removed snow from his Impala with a snow shovel. Nice deep scratches with some to the metal.

If the snow is light and powdery then a leaf blower may work. If the snow is wet or mixed with freezing rain then perhaps idling the car for several minutes with front and rear defrosters on. When the car is fully heated up you maybe able to slide the snow off the hood and roof with a big push.

That may work for 2-3 inches of snow…but if you live in snow country…where you wake up with 2-3 FEET of snow…you need a brush.

Just one thing. What ever you use for a brush, keep it CLEAN. The dirt accumulation, or using it as a dirt remover from carpeting is a no, no.

My neighbors would really be delighted with me if I were in the driveway blowing snow off my car with a leaf blower at 5:00 AM.


I finding cleaning snow off my car with a metal wire brush used for wielding a bad idea. leave a lot of scratches behind :wink: LOL

You really revived a 6 year old thread for that post .

Why yes i have LOL. i didn’t even notice the date at first it for some reason has popped up in my ’ interesting topics ’ bar. Hey some topics just need to keep going :slight_smile: lol.

Snowbrushes were made to scrape or wipe off the snow, it wasn’t made for no reason or would you like your car to get damaged by other vehicles. You could scrape or wipe it off meticulously to avoid damage.

Huh? :thinking:
What does this mean? I got lost in words.
