Flagged post

That was required viewing in NJ because Ozzie was a Jersey Guy, and he received both his Bachelor’s degree and his law degree from Rutgers University. Go Rutgers!

But, during the Great Depression, being a band leader was apparently more lucrative than a law career, and the rest is history.

Perhaps in some cases a post is removed b/c it references another post that was removed.

Personally, I don’t see “off-topic” as being much of a reason for a post to be removed. The best reason to remove a post imho is when it contains content that would never be heard on the NPR radio program. On the radio program Tom and Ray went off-topic all the time, and those “off-topic” segments were frequently among the best listening.


There are different levels of “off topic” and it’s up to the flagger to determine what off topic means. That means most of the time your opinion and mine aren’t important. I’m over it already, what about you?

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It doesn’t bother me at all if one of my posts is removed. I’m curious which one it was though, as that info can provide me a way to create better postings in the future.


For a short time I’ve been here, 90% of my post have been flagged and removed by the “system” So what’s the point in posting if my post are flagged and removed…

90% is a high volume for a participant whose time here is short.

I’ve been here for about 10 years or a little less and I can only recall 3 of my posts being flagged by the community. All 3 were legit.

What I do since is make it difficult for the flagger to flag me now by complying with the community guidelines.

No disrespect Lostn Transit, but almost all your post are about self promoting your vehicle and or parts for it, and very little helping others that are asking/needing help… If you did more actual helping out members with answers to help them, then it would not look like you were a spammer so much…

I have done some A904/998/999 and A500/42RH build threads and in-depth Chrysler TorqueFlite 3 & 4 Speed transmission info, as well as a 8 3/4 rear end build thread… I am probably going to do a 4.3L mild build, 700R4 performance build and possible transfer case and front and rear diffs, and there is a lot of people looking for stuff like that, but it is just not on this forum, no more then other performance builds are, much less performance builds for Ford Transit vehicles…

I’m sure Mustangman could do all kinds of racing and suspension build up threads as well as a few other performance guys on here, Twin Turbo comes to mind about joining 2 automatic transmissions together years ago as well as many other build ups (complete vehicles), but again, that is not what this forum is about…


2024 minus 2017 is 7 years.

No, 90% of your posts have been deleted by you.


At one time if a post was flagged (like @PvtPublic 's above) it turned grey, but other forum members could still see it if they wanted, by clicking on the “I want to see it anyway” icon. I don’t recall seeing that option lately. Is the “want to see it anyway” option gone now?

@cdaquila … do you know?

You’ll have to ask the folks in New York about that, or Boston, or wherever they are.