Electro Magnetic Radiation in car

As you said there is a plenty of metal shielding the components you mentioned. But the fact, I hope you might have seen the numbers I posted above indicates there is a lot of “leak” into the cabin.
Currently there are no one authority specifiying what levels is considered high. But the common agreement which I see across several experts is around 3 milligauss.
Do you suspect any electronics in the dash board causing this?
Is there any motor inside or just below the gas pedal doing the cruise/control?
Also the whole cabin with the exception of areas near roof and the rear right passenger seat is having high levels mentioned in one of the post above.
Would appreciate if you are able to measure EMR in your diesel vehicle in various location and share it with us. I got to make decision and take actions to solve this issue for myself.

I have contacted Honda Customer Service and given the EMR numbers and problem.

Thanks to all who contributed their knowledge, beliefs, bias and opinion.

Whoever has measured the EMR inside their car can you share those info (with make, model etc) with the community will be useful.

No, I have not tried it, but then again, I am not the one who is hearing voices.

I checked another car (PT Cruiser) the readings are very low in all the places inside the cabin with the exception of the area in close vicinity to the gas pedal. This is in contrast to Accord vehicle. How come? What could be the answer? Any clues?