Electro Magnetic Radiation in car

Not that I know of, and I certainly hope that I’m not paying for that testing if I buy a car. Personally, I have never heard of a requirement to test for EMR in vehicles, residences, or workplaces. The manufacturers are certainly not going to do it if it’s not required. They have enough mandates already without dreaming up new ones.

I do recall that the EPA was trying to do something with this under the previous administration. Fortunately, it went no-place.

So, how do you feel about cell phones?

This is not a “stupid post”. A man asked a question about an issue ths subject of which he was concerned. As you can see from the answers, there is a lot of misunderstanding regarding this subject. I myself posted using very poor terminology and probably added to the confusion. I’ll defer to EMRadi’s posts as the best sources of information presented here.

We should not be removing these type of posts. We should be encouraging them.

I believe that I have the answer to your problem!

Simply line your hat with aluminum foil. In addition to shielding you from that EMR, it also keeps out the voices that you have been hearing.

I can think of only a few things that might make measurable EMF in the car. For most cars the spark plug coils, Not mine since I have no spark plugs, I own a diesel; maybe the injector system, and the alternator and starter (starter I am thinking not.) None of those should produce significant amounts in the cabin. The metal construction of the car should block most of it, in fact I would not be surprised if cars average less EMF in the cabin than most homes. The car in general uses DC current and thus does not create EMF for most of it’s functions unlike your home that runs on AC. As I recall the old style analog alarm clocks by your bed subject the typical homeowner to more EMF that the power lines they were complaining about back when this was a hot topic. The fact that it is now mostly buried in the depths of Goggle is a good indication that it is more hype than real.

Are you sure your car wasn’t within the direct gravitational pull of the sun while your were taking these readings ?

I heard that such determinations should be made during the hours of darkness, under a full moon ideally.

There is more EMR in your home and work place than in your car…and you spend far more time in those places than in your car. EMR dangers were adequately researched in the 1980’s and found to be not dangerous.

Stupid post, period. Troll.

EM radiation levels on monitors and electronic equipment is limited by FCC regulations so as not to interfere with radio communications. You are over concerned with EMR. Seriously. You certainly get higher field strength from an electric blanket than anything in your car. I suspect you get higher field strength from electrical wiring in your house, depending on how close you sit to a wall where the electric wires run. All of this has been true for the 100 years or so that electric lighting has been in use in homes. ITS NOT A DANGER!

Yes, there are effects of EM Radiation at certain frequencies. That’s why microwave ovens have interlocks so they don’t operate when the door is open. But, that’s at a much higher frequency than household current, or computer monitors, or 2-way raidos, and most especially it’s higher than the DC current that is most prevalent in cars. You can believe me or not, but you really ought to find something else to worry about.

Cellphones, that is another source of EMR and public is more aware of this than the Car producing EMR.
You probably heard of SAR rating which the cell phone manufacturer has to include in their specs (maybe by law in some countries)

I will just share with you another link which deals with the subject of cell phone/masts/antennas.

Definition of SAR can be seen in http://www.sarvalues.com/what-is-sar.html

I’ll defer to EMRadi’s posts as the best sources of information presented here.

Trust me, his posts are far from the best source of information. He’s basically posting alarmist nonsense, which he may believe, but it’s still alarmist nonsense.

Does this theory apply only to measuring EMR in car or to any source for example working electric oven. You may educate us on this theory.
I did not see any guidelines like this in “MANUAL FOR MEASURING OCCUPATIONAL
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Division of Biomedical and Behavioral Sciences.
Of course this was released in Oct 1998. The document is a public domain one.

You can share newer research you are aware of.

They’re the best source posted here so far. I’m not a fan of the WHO, nor do I in any way believe that magnetic waves cause any harm (and I think that was really the question, rather than electromagnetic radiation which is a much larger topic), but I went to the link and though it was pretty good. He’s the only one of us that’s posted any links to anything at all informative.

I stand by my post.

Wha ???

No, this theory doesn’t apply to EMR in a car, a plane or in your refrigerator.

It applies to people who’ve either spent too much time in the sun or whose idea of a good time is staring at the moon.

Just for the sake of clarity, the global economies going down the pan with sub prime promising to take all stable financial markets down the tube with it. Our next Presidential candidates appear to be so incompetent they would’t make it through a Keystone Kops audition. Putin is looking to rebuild his nuclear arsenal and at this rate will be buying his nukes from Iran. US commercial & production industries are now being either bought out or bankrupted by China…

…and you are worried about the EMR levels in your car !

Did I miss anything here ?

You are right on the points of EMR in homes and wiring. At home fortunately we can reorient/distance ourself from the EMR source but not from the driver seat while driving.
there are some interesting articles on electric radiation its ill effect and the improvement they noticed when they rectified it. check out the info on Melrose-Mindoro School District in western Wisconsin at http://www.electricalpollution.com/
Pardon my diversion, but since you mentioned microwave and its interlock, my brand new microwave from very reputable name radiates at a high level when it is operating with the door properly latched (measured from about a feet away) just mentioned for benefit of us that in case we are under the illusion that the properly locked door does not leak any microwave.

your idea seems to be a DIY version of the “Shielded Cap” found in http://www.lessemf.com/personal.html. Seriously have you tried it?

You must have a lot of leisure time if you can devote this much effort to posting this drivel.

If you’re that concerned about your health, then I suggest you give your PC away as not only is it more dangerous than your Honda but also contributes to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and ruining your eyesight.

Since common sense is not a factor here the moderator should delete this entire moronic thread.


There is a link for you, go to the section about electromagnetic fields.

I stand by my post. Troll.

Here here.

Well said.

There is a lot more to EMR than just field strength. The biggest concern is the frequency. At low frequencies, it is generally believed that even very strong fields are relatively harmless, but at higher frequencies, they become more dangerous. Again its a combination of frequency and field strength. Microwaves at higher levels can be dangerous, especially if you wear a pacemaker, but unless you try to crawl inside a microwave oven or stand in front of an F-14 with its radar on, you probably won’t run into a field strong enough to hurt you. Le levels inside your house or car are a lower frequencies and really quite weak. You are safe.

I guess as long as Reynolds sells aluminum foil, some people will make hats out of it.

If there was EVER a concern we’d be seeing physical alements from THOUSANDS if not MILLIONS of people.

Second…you don’t have to measure EMR/EMF…it can be calculated. It’s fairly simple to calculate actually.

If you want to run around yelling the sky is falling…fine…but I suggest you get a little knowledge of what you’re talking about before anyone is going to believe you.