l asked a dealer about a splash shield, and he told me it cost $200. l saw a similar one on ebay for $45. l’ve heard some people say that the holes might not line up. Does anyone have any knowledge about how compatible they would be?
Is it for the same vehicle?
Unknown vehicle, unknown item on eBay. I’d just suggest getting the part number of the item being advertised and compare that with the part number at the dealer.
Chinese knock offs are often off a little and require something to be modified a little, eBay also sells used covers…
Now, you can get some decent stuff from eBay, but a lot of times it is not up to the quality of a factory replacement part…
All you can do is buy it and try it…
Don’t overthink it. I once had to come up with a basic extension to a splash shield. I used the lid to an old rubbermaid tub. Easy to cut, poke holes in, and zip-tie into place. Most of the time, these are not precision parts.
There’s no way I’m paying $200 for a darn splash pan
You might have to enlarge the holes and use washers to make it fit, or you can return it for a splash shield from a different vendor. It’s not a decorative item and you might consider a used actual Honda splash shield for your unknown model Honda. eBay should have used ones too.
Something to think about…
The OEM Honda one will fit perfectly the first time, 100% sure.
The eBay one might fit, with some “modification”.
It all boils down to money vs time. And it’s an individual decision, 100%.
Good luck.
Yea it’s for the same exact vehicle. The part number is 74110-TBA-A00
The part # is 74110-TBA-A00
Then buy it!
Is that the Honda part number or eBay aftermarket part number?