Driver's License Photo Freedom

There are people of all religions that adhere strictly to the extreme tenets of their religion and those that don’t. There are Orthodox Jews and those that aren’t. There are Southern Baptists that don’t drink alcohol and those that do.

A college friend married a Southern Baptist from Winston Salem, NC. The reception was on her parent’s lawn, and there was absolutely no alcohol allowed. Uncle Buddy lived behind them, and there was all kinds of booze for us there. When we wanted a drink, we walked to Uncle Buddy’s place, consumed our drink, and went back to the reception.

I remember being in Jerusalem at a hotel on the Jewish Sabbath once, and one of the elevators was set up with automatic controls. The orthodox were forbidden to do the work of punching the floor button in the elevator. I thought it was a little extreme, just like Muslims wearing the clothing of 2000 years ago, not eating meat on Friday, not shaving, and so on. As a Lutheran, there are some extreme sects where the women still sit on one side of the church and the men on the other. So maybe we can agree that the extremists on all sides need to mellow out a little.

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I think most religious people are tolerant of others, even if they are at the extreme.

Hopefully all of us in this forum can all agree on that point, but–of course–religious extremists will not agree, simply because each of them is convinced that his/her religion is the only true religion. And, therein lies the source of so many problems throughout modern history.

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A driver’s license is an official government identification. A cop should be able to verify that the license belongs to the driver or person being questioned. A burqa prevents this and should not be allowed. A driver’s license photo with a burqa can be used and misused by anyone, including someone who’s lost her license or is wanted on felony charges, and the cop can’t tell. It defeats the entire purpose of the license, which is a permit for a specific person to drive a car as well as an official form of I.D.

Spaghetti head… well, this one is debatable. IMHO burqas are not.


Our government at the state and Federal level already decide what is a real religion. There are law books full of precedent that involves religious exemptions from some taxes, whether or not you have to pay Social Security taxes. The social security question even varies by protestant denomination. A local tax assessor in my area even decided a local congregation should lose the tax exemption on their storefront church bldg because they didn.t meet every week. The assessor lost.

…and unfortunately, the big bucks behind the “Church” of Scientology have been able to win court decisions confirming that their science-fiction-based farce is a religion.

It’s just a strainer. Where is the spaghetti? Unless he is wearing spaghetti under that strainer, the license should be denied.


Women should handle the governance.of the church, the ministry and all other aspects of religion. We men have all.we.can do to.keep our cars running in this life. The women are needed to take care of the next one
With this important theological statement, I have brought this thread back to cars.


I’m wondering what would happen if you drove your car with the colander on your head, rearended somebody at high speed, and got a face full of airbag . . .

Would that colander cause additional injuries?

I imagine it would be worse, versus NOT wearing the colander

I just did a quick google search, and it appears people worldwide engage in this behaviour. I saw several driver’s license pictures from different countries, showing people wearing colanders on their head

I’m not comfortable calling it a religion, btw, because, among other things, I have no idea if any government, county, state, etc. has legally recognized it as such

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The spaghetti is inside his head.

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I like your way of thinking!

How about this . . .

If somebody insists on wearing that colander for their dmv picture, spaghetti should be prepared on a stove, and then the colander, complete with hot spaghetti, be promptly turned upside down on their head for the pictures

The goal being that strands of spaghetti are clearly visible . . . in fact, it would be even better, if there was also hot pasta sauce involved, and it would be great if the pasta sauce was shown running down their face, and splattered on their glasses

All or nothing

I’m not comfortable calling it a religion

But I’m comfortable calling it a farce . . . that is my opinion, and I believe I’m entitled to it :triumph:

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We can only hope…


An adult version of this should be a requirement for pastafarians wishing to have a dmv picture taken with their so-called religious head gear


Yup! That’s a fact!

Who woulda thunk that such wisdom could come from a drivers license discussion.

I hear horn implants a poplar, is atheism a religion? Was judge not less you be judged a figment of my imagination? Too many people want to control too much of peoples lives imhop. Carp ambulances rolled up, always happy they are not here for me, glad they are helping the neigbhor, again!

Only on Car Talk forum… the most sophisticated and technically advanced car forum website.

And that cop and town could/would be sued if the driver has one of the modern licenses. They have many visible and hidden security features in them that give the police the ability on the spot to identify a fake license. It wasn’t until the mid 80’s that NY had a picture on their drivers license.

As for wearing the colander. If the state is singling out his religion then I have a problem with it. But if they either it allow it or deny it to all religions then it’s fine. The government should not be in the business of defining what a religion is. But passing a law saying that ALL citizens mush show their face for a drivers license photo is perfectly acceptable.

The government does it all the time…just ask the IRS.