I would have expected a pit bull to intervene a little in a theft. Secondly, did they recover the van?
I don’t about you but despite their reputation all the pit bulls I have come across were nothing but big overgrown friendly teddy bears I know there some mean ones but I have never seen one.
There are no bad dogs, only bad owners. Once a dog gets a reputation violent people get them and make them that way. I used to hang out at a local park occasionally with a group of friends (of each other, not me) at night. They’d drink and play with their dogs, who were all friendly. One had recently adopted a pitbull. The owner gave me a treat, told me to make friends with him. He bit me in the face. I have a scar on my chin I have to shave around so as not to cut myself. I don’t see them in the park these days. I blame his previous owners.
I’m told it really depends on how they were raised and treated, i used to know a purebred black lab that would really make a pit look like nothing unless he knew you. From the article the owner just wanted the dog back and didn’t ask any questions of the woman who’d been caring for the dog for a couple weeks.
Agree with that.100 %