Interesting story in Texas. Dog unharmed, only scared, then stuck, then rescued. Firemen removed the driveshaft and sway bar to free the poor beast, then reinstalled them. I doubt they get many opportunities to put cars back together!
That’s a great story!
I presume the owner brought a pink box to the fire station the next morning
Downright heartwarming. You might almost say doggone cute. I do wonder why the owner called the Police instead of the Fire Dept. though. I thought they were the ones who responded to all the oddball calls.
I’m very much aware of that. I still wonder why the Police got the call instead of the Fire Dept. The article says PD was first on the scene and the Police Officer called Fire and Animal Control.
@davepsinbox_157004 Some years ago I got to sit for some hours in StLCo’s old dispatch center including during shift change that occurred during a severe weather event. It was very interesting to observe how everything from incoming calls to radio dispatch was handled. I also sat some hours as an observer at one of the fire dispatch centers handling Fire/EMS calls for multiple fire districts. It’s fascinating work.
@davepsinbox_157004 My apology, I just reread through the thread and realize I got your question and therefore my answer backwards. I plead inattentive brain freeze.
911 dispatches PD Fire and EMS. The dispatcher makes a judgment call on who to send. If PD is not busy they will get dispatched to low priority Fire/EMS calls, frequently to high priority or risky areas. PD usually has cars on the road 24/7 patrolling. Fire and EMS usually wait in the barn and do not roll until they get a call. In my old hood PD would be on a scene in 2 or 3 minutes, Fire averaged 9 minutes. Taking stuff apart is what firefighters live for, putting it back together was awesome. Great ending to the story. I had a dog that was terrified of fireworks, thunder etc, so I understand what happened.
@SteveCBT Thank you for the excellent, concise explanation!
As a mere civilian I’ll hush up and quit trying to explain beyond my expertise. I’ve deleted my inaccurate and confused replies.
@davepsinbox_157004 Again, my apologies for confused replies.
No worries. When I read the article initially, I thought the dog’s owner had called the Police. You’re correct that he probably called local 9-1-1 and the dispatcher made the decision to have P. D. respond first, and @SteveCBT 's response makes that understandable. So, it looks like brain freeze all around.
That’s what bothered me when I read the story of somebody’s mutt stuck under their truck and a fire team was over there screwing around with it. If I ever had an emergency that depended on a fire/rescue crew, I’d be livid if they were assisting an animal.
Turns out the 2-year-old pup was frightened during overnight storms and climbed into the undercarriage.
If it climbed in then it could be pulled out. Should the animal resist the help then a tranquilizer dart or some type of thing could be used to put the thing out of consciousness until it could yanked out. It’s a dog. Have you ever seen what animals do to each other?
Please, I prefer my fire/rescue is involved in helping people. I realize that helping people sometimes involves animals, but that entails removing alligators and huge snake from Elementary schools or grocery stores, or shooting vicious dogs, for instance, not making them comfortable while emergencies are possible.
My apologies. My too personal post didn’t belong in this venue.
@common-sense-answer , rescue crews know how to prioritize a call. If a car accident or house fire was called in during the dog rescue most of the crew would leave for the high priority call. In the case of volunteer fire companies, the response time to the new incident would be quicker as you already had a crew assembled with engines/trucks. No need to wait for the volunteers to respond from home to get to the station then roll equipment, they can roll almost immediately . Also first responders see a lot of bad stuff, PTSD is a real problem. A feel good call like a dog rescue is worth a lot more than hours of time and municipal money talking to a counselor or therapist.
Probably not the first person who thought that. FWIW, I found it extremely meaningful.
@davepsinbox_157004 Thank you, sir.
Not a problem when something recalls memory’s it is good to share them and like davepinbox it was extremely meaningful especialy the part about the helpful neighbor and the help with your father and tha cat’s I enjoyed reading about your experience.
@Renegade Thank you, sir.
You are welcome you have a way with words that makes reading enjoyable.