Dodge Caravan engine light p0455 p0442

The other day my check engine light came on with codes p0445 large vacuum leak and p0442 small vacuum leak. The gas cap is on tight before anyone asks. My understanding is these are popular codes for the Caravan’s and Town and Country’s I do not hear any hissing from a vacuum leak. Any ideas where I should look next or has any one had the same experience.

2002 Grand Caravan 3.8 liter, 92K miles front wheel drive. One bad transmission, one power window that almost works, power hatch and power slider that don’t work. one power steering fire, running on its third left axle, should have bought a Honda

Start looking for dry, cracked vacuum lines, both under the hood and connected to the heat/AC system system under the dash. You may or may not be able to hear the leak.

Power steering fire?

Yep fire. The power steering did a shuddering thing at low speed turns, the dealer had a TSB on the fix, simply replace a powersteering line with a longer one. The new power steering line had a pin hole in it and was spraying the catalytic converter. Unfortunately the fire was not a big one, that would have solved a lot of problems for me.

These are codes for problems in the evaporative emissions system. Often, they are caused by a failed purge valve. It is located under the driver’s seat area under the van.