Cruise control & red engine light

I have a 1994 C220 Mercedes, bought in 2006. The red light is on much of the time and after each repair! it is turned off but comes back on after a few days. The mechanic thinks that its about the cruise control (which works only some of the time and rarely when I am driving long distance)and the automatic throttle which is one thing that HAS not been replaced. I would appreciate an opinion and some idea of the cost. Many thanks M Victor

Just a guess, but I would check out the brake lights and make sure they are working.

Benz over… The fact is, NOBODY can fix this sort of stuff. Mechanics make a very good living trying however…

Try this. “Fix this or I am not going to pay you”…See how far THAT gets you…

Thanks for the idea - the “light” for light bulbs has been coming on. We’ll see.