Condensation in headlights

I am getting condensation in the headlight of my driver side headlight assembly. Any way for me to fix this problem?

It does not ever clear with headlights on for a while? GM used to tells us this was not considered a problem unless it did not clear after a certain time period (under 1 hour if I remember correctly). Post back year model and I will look for TSB’s.

No TSB’s

One suggestion is to remove the light module, blow the interior out with dry air, seal any visable leaks with either a two-part epoxy or even silicone silastic,

Also be sure the light bulb fixture itself is secure in the module. Honda has an insane interface configuration and it can be a bear to get properly seated.

I can’t improve on the advice already given. Don’t you just love modern styling designed lights that cost $$$$. We used to have sealed beam lights that the worse you needed was $5.00 and a screwdriver.

And you could see the road at night without blinding oncoming drivers…

On a hot sunny day, face the car towards the sun. Remove the bulb, go inside for a few beers. About 3 hours later, replace the bulb. If the seal is good the problem is solved, because all the moisture will have evaporated from the assembly. Did this once and it worked reat.

To speed up the drying out of the headlight, after removing the bulb, get an aquarium air pump and stick the air hose into the headlight cavity. This will constantly replace the humid air in the headlight with dry air. Before putting the bulb back, you might even flush all the air out with dry nitrogen and make sure the seal on the bulb is perfect before you put it back in.

If there is even the smallest leak, turning on the lights heats the air and expands it and the air escapes through the leak. Then, when the air cools off, it contracts and outside air with all its humidity enters the headlight and eventually forms condensation. I think the headlight seal has a part that works sort of like accordian bellows to allow the internal air to expand and contract without escaping and being replaced with outside air.

Where I live it is dry, so I have not seen condensation. Here, water in a headlight always indicates a leak. I fixed one recently as follows:

Removed housing (four nuts and six screws), sealed vent hole in top. Filled with 1 gal distilled water (don’t want water spots inside lense or on reflector). Found and marked leaks where distilled water leaked out.

Rock cracks in lens can be repaired with Pit Crews Choice adhesive, which dries clear. Leaks around seam where lens attaches to back of housing can be sealed with any pliable sealant. I happened to have Dap bathtub caulk handy so I used it.

Sat in sunshine to dry. In evening I took it inside and blew into it with a hair drier every hour or so through the evening. By morning it was dry.

Polished both headlights with Blue Magic plastic polish to remove yellow and clouding on plastic surface. Be patient, this takes a lot of ‘elbow grease’. Treated polished plastic with Plexis to protect against further sun and oxidation damage. Several weeks later I have no moisture, and headlights look nearly new.