Car Talk Lingo Across the USA: A 25 question quiz

Pretty close. It had me in upstate New York or in the band from there across the northern Midwest. I’m actually in San Francisco, but Northern Californian and Oregon are closely related to those other states linguistically. It didn’t pick up that I’m an LA native, but it’s been over 30 years so I probably sound more like Northern California by now.

Oh my gaawwd, youall should just try getting the southern Ohio white lady ( my mom ) to say these mexican words after we moved out here in '72 ! ( four corners New Mexico )
geezy peezy, even after years of repeated re-instruction she would never say tortilla correctly.
" mom, forget how it’s spelled and LISTEN …then repeat after me…tor-tee-yuh ( we’ll work on the rolled R later ) "
Other mexican/spanish based words escaped her nearly forever . We just had to throw in the towel and cringeat her four syllable tor-til-lee-uh.
All of the Navajo ( naa-vah-hoe ) and reservation place names were spanish based as the conquistadore’s are the ones to apply spelling to the old un-written languages of the area.
We used to tell her that it didn’t matter how white she is . If she were learning french or german words , she would be giving them their correct pronunciation…wouldn’t she ??

And , conversely, we can tell which first language a person knows by the way they speak their english.

Wow, that was extremely accurate. Here are my results. I grew up in Buffalo, went to high school in Texas, and have lived in South Florida since the early 1990s.

I’m happy to see I’ve gotten rid of the Texas influence.

I missed seeing Hey, whats happening for How would you address a group of two or more people? Also missed soda pop as an option for What do you call a sweetened carbonated beverage? and high speed road would be highway and tollway.

Question for You, all, when does next Tuesday mean a different day than this Tuesday? for me it is 3 to 4 days.
ie on Wed a guy says I’’ see you next Tuesday, that is 6 days away, on Sun I’ll see you next Tuesday would be 9 days away, which in reality is not the next Tuesday, as one would say this Tuesday,

that quiz nailed me spot on Philadelphia PA.