The main page has an article about cleaning the touch screens in vehicles . That could be of some help to people . But every product has a link to Amazon web site.
Me thinks this is just another sign that the Car Talk internet presence is nearing it’s end.
Not necessarily. Amazon could be a good source of revenue and would keep this forum open.
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I think one of the new Amazon warehouses in my area is named after my wife and myself… lol
The local Target has Mrs JT’s name on it. 
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Any popular website will sell advertising. Amazon is probably one of their biggest buyers. When you design a webpage you add space for advertising that can be added dynamically through a DB or other type of method. It’s pretty simple to do.
The screen cleaning article just looks like one of those click bait things all over the web . Also it just seems like a lazy way to send customers to Amazon. Maybe they should have had a note saying Amazon had paid a fee to Car Talk .
I even wonder if the author has even used all of those products .
And once you go add free (DDG etc) it really shows up towards the top of the page here…
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That’s exactly the way my screen looks. Some URLs are unmanageable without ad-blockers.
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Even Consumer Reports does this, but not just Amazon.