Cameras to place on or around truck when parked in remote locations?

I often enjoy hiking and kayaking in remote locations. Trailheads and boat ramps seem to be getting increasingly sketchy with shady people meeting to conduct drug deals, use drugs, and have sex. There has also been the theft of catalytic converters although that seems to have tapered off a lot. The state legislature was looking at passing rules for sellers and buyers of converters and most scrap yard voluntarily agreed not to buy converters anymore to stave off government regulations.

I recently had a falling out with someone I once considered to be a friend. He had apparently had a drinking problem in the past that had gotten him into some trouble but was sober when I met him. Let’s just say he is drinking again and has turned into a real monster. I had to file police reports and court actions due to a few incidents that occurred.

He also kayaks and would know my trucks if he saw them at the boat ramp. I am worried about vandalism such as slashed tires or putting something in the gas tank. Based on how he as acted in the past, I wouldn’t put anything past him now that he is drinking again.

I am always armed now but was wanting to place some discrete cameras around to possibly record him (or anyone else) tampering with my truck. I was thinking a game camera if there are nearby trees I could hide one but also something small and battery powered that could be set inside by wheel rims, etc. once the truck is parked. Maybe something under the front bumpers as well. I know there are a lot of small cameras out there but I have mainly been dealing with wired security cameras. Has anyone found something that works well for this purpose and would work for several days without a recharge? It needs to be small and hard to notice.

He is currently on probation for domestic violence so would be sent to jail immediately if charged with another crime.

Wouldn’t being big and easy to notice be more of a deterrent? Try to ward off damage before it occurs rather than knowing who did it after the fact?

Smile, you’re on camera and I already have your picture!


Whether the OP installs cameras–or not–I think that a sign like this would be a good investment.

Trail cams come to mind and some you can access from your phone.

I don’t know how to avoid a deranged person but if you had to arm yourself against him, ya think if he slashed your tires a camera would help resolve it or make relations worse?. Is a girl involved?


Based on OP’s words, just one more crime would send his ex-friend to prison, and I’m guessing that’s the reason for the discreet camera ?

I would recommend you to look at the Vanture N5 camera. It’s a bit pricey but you’d appreciate the high quality, especially night mode.


That’s what I thought of first.

The problem with carrying a gun for self protection is that you just might use it. Are you ready for the consequences? It might not turn out in your favor and no matter what you almost certainly will need to answer to the authorities.

I used to work in the pipe mill at the steel company. This was the 1970s and of course no one had computers. The mill had a bookie, a little old black man. He never carried weapons. He said that if he did, he almost certainly would have to use it. If robbed, he would just turn over the money. For the few years I worked there he was never robbed.

Not to distract from topic, but I would like to respond to this.

I lived in a small town on the island for 17 years and everyone who was financially independent owned a gun and always armed. My father was one of them; he owned 3 guns.

My mother’s side of family was anti-gun and would often say the things you mentioned here, which is why im choosing to respond to your comment ( it brought back memories ).

The town we lived in was well known for having arms residents and, as a result, the bad guys ( the criminals ) avoided that town like the plague.

The very few and rare times a criminal crossed the boundaries, he paid a heavy consequence.

The town was a peaceful place. People felt safe and little children didn’t have to worry much about their safety.

The same couldn’t be said about the town my mother was born. Her area was infested with criminals, robbery frequently took place, and it was just a very harmful town to live in because nobody, except the criminals, could defend themselves.

So when OP said he’s armed, in my humble opinion, i believe he’s in the right place. I rather stand before the judge than have 6 men carry my casket.


This looks promising. It is a dash cam system with 360 visibility so could get footage from all angles. I would need some sort of power station to keep it running for hours or days while I am not around but that isn’t a big deal.

I was thinking something that could go outside like a cheap action cam that is waterproof. The problem with action cams is that they seem to eat batteries quickly.

I have pages and pages of violent threats against me from this individual. These were sent via texting and social media, both to myself and my friends. This guy left a digital paper trail a mile wide and miles long.

I made sure that folks he knows are aware that I know about all the probation so am sure that got back to him. On the other hand, he may feel that damaging a truck of mine is something he can get away with. That is why I want a camera. I might use a game camera off in the woods as well. I will make sure it is one that doesn’t flash, at least using visible light spectrum.

I had family in town over Labor Day and was enjoying a nice 8-9 mile paddle on a scenic river. I happened to run into this guy halfway through by chance and was threatened and harassed for 4 miles down the river. I am definitely faster and stronger, both on land and water so was always able to stay away but he was in an irate irrational rage and DRUNK, pursuing me the entire time. He told me he was going to teach me a lesson at the boat ramp as he was going to pass the same place. I moved a small black waterproof box from behind my seat to upfront between my legs as he was chasing me and it didn’t take a lot of brains to realize what was inside. He was still threatening but seemed to back off at this time. All this was going on while I was trying to enjoy time with family and the park/river were the most crowded I have seen by a longshot due to the holiday weekend.

I filed police reports about all this with Federal NPS Park Rangers as well as locals with all the supporting documentation in case anything happens. I did ask about if I am cornered by this nut in the wilderness and they said you have every right to defend yourself. I worry about him happening upon me while I am sleeping or setup at a camp somewhere. If I am on the go, I don’t feel there is any concerns of this guy catching me on land or water so that is good.

Yes, he is on probation right now and has been ordered to take mandatory anger management courses as some of the terms. It sure doesn’t seem like they are working!

I am looking into several camera options now. I may use one inside and one outside to cover all bases.

Your concern is valid and I’m glad you took this up with the police. Evil exists. Trust me. Someone will dislike you for no cause on your end and will go to the extreme to cause you harm. Stay armed and alerted.

I’d also talk to a lawyer.

I’m in a very peaceful place but this guy is terrorizing you. In Minnesota now the sup court ruled that we have a duty to back off rather than stand our ground or defend our selves. Really a crazy crazy ruling by a crazy court. In a national park you might be bound by the feds and not state rules. If it is that serious with this guy, might want to make sure where you stand. There also is insurance you can buy to provide defense if you get in trouble. Another option is that new Byna pistol that fires pepper balls or something and just knocks a guy down for a while. A little pricey but cheaper than a lawyer. Should have all been covered d d in your permit class though.

I remember I had my shot gun in the trunk when dealing with a certain wildlife issue and happened to go through Menards lumber yard. At check out the kid mentioned the gun in the car but I had never given it a second thought. Times have changed though. We always used to keep a shot gun in the trunk for hunting.

Isn’t this stuff a violation of his probation? It seems like he could be back in the slammer for acting like this. It seems like you have good cause to carry a pistol. IMO a camera with ample backup that can be recharged during the day could be a good alternative. Maybe a trail camera in an obvious spot and one or two other infrared cameras could be used to set a trap. He damages your car or trailcam and violates probation. Do you have a restraining order? He violates that and he’s in a world of hurt.

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Like they say, the police are only minutes away when seconds count. You can get restraining orders etc, but we all know if cases where people have been killed anyway by people like this. Ex boyfriends, husbands, are the worst.

So you’re out on the trail miles away and the guy tracks you down, call for help on your phone?

At first I thought you might mean your current residence, maybe on Long Island. Now I’ve decided you mean Jamaica. The US is not a third world country. I’ve been to Jamaica a couple times during the 70s and 80s. Once away from Montego Bay we saw Jamaican soldiers with automatic rifles. I’m not surprised they would have guns in a place like that. Don’t conflate the two countries. If you were talking about your Caribbean home, that has no bearing on this discussion.

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I agree that you need a restraining order, but a restraining order is nothing more than a paper trail, if someone is already a law breaker, why would a restraining order be any different??
Remember, a gun not ready to fire (other than the safety being on) is only good for show & tell, and target practice…

Sorry you are having to go through this…

But the USA is notorious for crime.

The United States has higher crime rates than many other countries, especially when it comes to homicides and gun violence.

Sorry you are having all that trouble. I think your first priority is to install a fixed camera to monitor your driveway where you live and park your vehicles.

If a perp violates the restraining order that should be a reason for him to return to jail. I agree that in this case @cwatkin needs a weapon for protection.

A lot of times (no data for prof, just here say I guess) when a scumbag violates the restraining order, the damage is done, so if they are out to get you, they will try to get you with a restraining order or not, so if they do get you, then at least the family has a paper trail to give the LEO a prime suspect… I really don’t think it is much of a deterrent for a crazy person and or scumbag…

Now for normal people, then yes it will work, but how many normal people are stalking people??