The MINI dealers I have been to have told me that they do not discount the cars. The price is the price and that they don’t throw in options or bargain on price. If a car doesn’t have options you want or has options you don’t want, then you can order it. Is this actually true, I have had trouble verifying it. Is it like buying a Saturn? I’m okay with as long as this is true.
Well I think that would be true with limited editions or limited avalibility autos. However if they have a lot full and want to sell you a car then they should discount it. That business about Saturn not budging on the sticker is not true. I had a Saturn salesman come off sticker trying to sell me a Saturn. They promote the sticker only price and people just assume that is all there is to that and pay it. Check the internet for car prices, you can buy many cars on-line like, just do some research.
Also be sure to research the reliability and safety ratings of the Mini, is good for that.
Years ago Honda dealers charged a ‘limited avalibility’ surcharge for their cars. What that meant was people were standing inline to buy then so they could charge whatever they wanted.
Good luck.
Try checking some mini cooper forums for pricing paid info. has average of what others paid too and have a forum related.
Do you have the CASH to buy this car?? Or at least have you pre-arranged financing with your own bank? If you are depending on the dealer for financing, you are in a VERY weak bargaining position. They have you on the hook and they know it. They view you as a cow in a milking parlor.
Remember a few things. The end of the month is a good time to bargain. I suggest making sure you have the cash or financing ready to go. Don’t confuse the deal with a trade-in. Tell each dealer Make sure one of them is out of town, it will be worth the trip; that you want the car. Tell them are you going to visit at least three dealers. You will ask each for exactly the same thing. You want their best deal on an acceptable car (one on the lot or one they can get in a time acceptable to you). Tell them that after you have talked to each, you will chose the best deal of the three and purchase that car. Be honest.
Don’t allow them to change any part of the deal. If they don’t want to participate, OK you don’t want to buy from them. If they ask you want will get you to buy it right then, tell them you will buy it for 50% of the manufacturer’s sticker price. Don’t fall for the, I have to check with my manager thing. If they want to take it up with their manager, tell them fine, you will call them the next day and if they have an offer then, you will consider it, if they don’t, then they are out of the bidding.
Don’t tell anyone what anther has offered. Stick to that. Don’t go back and ask one to meet another’s price. You are giving them one chance, be honest with them.
Good Luck
This was true when I bought mine 4 years ago.
I ordered exactly what I wanted and had to wait three months to get it.
No haggling. Period.
The thing that really bugs me about the Cooper is it’s sunroof. they only give you a mesh type fabric to pull over it, nothing to keep the sun from getting in like most cars have. So factor that in if you really want a sunroof for your Mini. the seats were uncomfortable for me, so that marked a Mini off the list for my future car.