Brakes on a 2007 mustang GT

I have a 2007 mustang GT with 4000 miles. I owned the car for about 6 months, about 2 months ago the brakes started rubbing and squeaking. It only happens when the brake pedal is halfway down(when the pedal is all the way down it dosen’t do it). I took it back to the dealer twice and they checked the brakes,rotors and pads and found nothing. They said this is normal in new cars because they don’t use asbestos to insulate anymore. I did spray some lubricant on the brakes yesterday and it seemed to work but I won’t know for how long yet. Any solutions to this problem??

Hard braking could have glazed the pads and this could lead to a pad squeak.
Don’t tell me you sprayed WD-40 on them. If so, you need new brake pads.

Quote: “I did spray some lubricant on the brakes yesterday”

As OK4450 stated, if you sprayed something like silicone or WD-40 on your rotors, this has contaminated the brake pads, will seriously reduce your ability to stop the car, and will require new pads to be installed. And, your warranty will not cover something like that, as it constitutes owner negligence.

Hopefully, we have both misinterpreted what you stated. What exactly did you do to your brakes?

I sprayed just a little bit on the brakes. The noise got so annoying and dealer will not do anything, did not know what else to do.

What kind of “lube” did you spray on the pads / rotors??

I used something called Aluminum Lubicant & liquid masking by Protexall

now you NEED to have new brake pads installed. this is not a “when you feel like it” thing, but do it RIGHT NOW.

i would not even drive the car with spray on lube on the pads. you are risking a total brake failure and collision.

Normally, warranty will not pay for a brake noise caused by glazing or brake dust.
With only 4k miles on the car the pads and rotors are no doubt like brand new. However, I think the dealer should have made more of an effort to resolve this considering the extremely low mileage on the car. If there was any question about it they should contact the regional office and get a pre-approval for taking care of the problem.

What you might consider is contacting the regional office or Ford’s helpline yourself. Your owners manual should have an 800 number in it and you can also go on-line and do this.
Explain the situation as simply as possible and be polite about it. Do NOT mention this lubricant on the pads business as that can be a deal killer if there is a deal to be done.
Praise the car a little but express disappointment in the brake noise and maybe they will go ahead and authorize the dealer to change the pads and the rotors also.

There are also a few tricks to shutting squeaky pads up. This usually involves using disc brake goop on the backs of the pads, beveling the leading edges of the pads, greasing the caliper slides, and something I’ve done but is not in the books. Run a hacksaw blade at a 45 degree angle over the pad material and make a diagonal slot about halfway through the material, IF there is no slot in the pad material already. It would also help to wash the rotors down with brake cleaner or carb cleaner. If you use the latter use Chemtool or even the WalMart brand. Some cleaners like Gumout seem to have a slightly oily residue and should be avoided.

One question. Did you buy this car brand new, as in only 4-5 miles on it or did it have several hundred miles on it? If it’s the latter this means it was a dealer demo and as hard as it is to believe with a Mustang GT, a salesman may have been running it hard; both on acceleration and stopping. If it’s a glazed pad problem maybe it was inflicted back then.
(Cool car though. I love the new Mustangs.)


So, I guess the moral of the story is that we should all spray some lubricant on our brake pads.


I’ve never heard of lubricating brake pads, but I have heard about “oiling” shock absorbers. Some years back (about 35), I had a friend who took her car to a nationally known muffler shop that also replaced shock absorbers and did brake jobs. While her car was up on the lift to have the muffler changed, she saw the mechanic squirt oil on the shock absorbers. The manager then came out and told her that her shock absorbers were defective. “They are?” she replied. “Then why did your mechanic go to the trouble of oiling them?”

Ah, yes, the old “Georgia shock absorber scam”!

Years ago, a couple of gas stations in Georgia were famous for squirting oil on the shock absorbers while gassing up out-of-state cars if the owners were in the lavatory. 60 Minutes did an investigative story on that many years ago. Attendants at some other stations were skilled at cutting fan belts while checking oil. As ever, it pays to know your car, to check under the hood yourself, and not to leave it unattended when it is being gassed up or being serviced.

Slightly off topic,
Every time I pass by Dyker beach on Belt PKWY eastbound there’s an unmarked black Mustang GT with a radar in the rest area. So far, 70mph seems to be okay though, Has anyone tried doing 75mph?

Or demand that brake pads and shoes be factory fitted with grease zerks and grease galleys. :wink: