CFCs (ChloroFloroCarbons) are supposedly evaporated from the ocean and volcanic activity in much greater quantities than all the R-12 ever produced!
Excerpts from a 1999 Australian news article.
The Ozone Hole scare has been a victim of political and corporate interests, media bias and pseudoscience. Again, the media has left many of us in the dark, recycling lies and half-truths while giving rise to unwarranted alarm.
Unfortunately, many environmentalists conveniently omit scientific evidence that does not fit their perceived vision of environmental cataclysm. Firstly, the chance of many CFCs finding their way up to the stratosphere is very remote considering CFCs, depending on which compound is being measured, are four to eight times heavier than air.
The irony of the alleged evils of CFCs is that natural sources of chlorine far outweigh industry’s contribution. Theory asserts that chlorine, not CFCs, destroy ozone. Evaporating oceans emit 600 million tons of chlorine into the atmosphere per year. Although precipitation washes out most chlorine, large amounts still reach the stratosphere.
Erupting volcanoes can emit hundreds of millions of tons of chlorine. These eruptions directly inject chlorine into the stratosphere. In fact, nature produces about 8,000 times more chlorine than man does with CFCs.
The replacement refrigerant, R-134a is not nearly as efficient in cooling. It is far more expensive, extremely corrosive, toxic and less energy efficient.
By contrast, CFCs are nontoxic, nonflammable, cheap, simple to produce, and extremely stable and unreactive. Far from saving the Earth, the ban on CFCs is an environmental tragedy when considering the toxicity and energy inefficiency of the alternatives, not to mention the reduced product life of compressors induced by corrosive CFC replacements.