Bought cant honor contract apr

Im on shore duty… Already did my 6 years of sea duty …

No pick-up truck is worth going into debt for 7 years…Debt is an anchor around your neck…

Sounds like you should be driving an economical vehicle not a thirsty expensive pickup truck.

Ive been there done that, I speak from experience. Debt is dumb.

Not to many people need a 2014 frontier, get your finances in order and work on paying off your debt.

I sacrificed a lot and made it #1 priority to get out of debt. I sleep so much better being debt free. I cannot believe the people I work with that make great money but are broke all the time, all due to our old nemesis, Debt. There is nothing in life I want so much as to get into debt for it.

I used to be in a lot of debt, now I am into dividends.

Well glad it worked out if that’s what you want to do but 7 years is still a long time for a car. Sometimes JAG will pressure the business by threatening to put them off limits if they don’t concede. I’m surprised but I’ve been wrong before. The refund is in the mail.

I’m glad it worked out for you! Enjoy the new ride…

I’m also glad that it worked out but sometimes that low interest rate can involve a lot of smoke and mirrors which can obscure the fact that it’s higher than portrayed.
In a nutshell the dealer is still making money on the deal, just less than they could have.

Many of us here have served or are serving. Banks and Credit unions still have to comply with Federal and state regulations. Where I was stationed we had a Credit Union and a bank right on base.

Something is still very fishy with the 12% interest. You have every legal right to get your own financing. Why haven’t you pursued that yet? If you have decent credit you should be able to get a loan under 2%.

VOLVO V70 Being deployed overseas can be a huge bonus. Tax free, combat pay, separation pay, housing and medical care for dependents, etc…

I would find another dealer to take care of any warranty, or other, work…

Glad this worked out, Thank You for your service!

Scummy dealership!

Yes . . . setting foot in a dealership can be like stepping into the heart of darkness

This, coming from somebody who worked in one for quite awhile

I learned a lot of things there . . . good AND bad

Guys. i was addressing my concern with whats right and wrong and my options…I don’t need your “OPINIONS” on what you think is best for me. Only I can decide that along with the wife. I need facts and options…not opinions. Thanks for everything though.

Well, that’s one of the “problems” with this forum

More than likely, your questions will be answered

More than likely, questions you did not ask will also be answered

More than likely, questions we wish you had asked, will also be answered

I put problems in parentheses because it’s not a problem for me, but it might be for somebody else

Opinions have value too. Of course you value it by multiplying the opinion times the credibility of the person offering it times the respect you have for the person offering it. The wife’s opinion is the most important naturally, she knows where you sleep :).

Glad everything worked out for you and glad the JAG came through for you. Those who have never served do not understand how difficult it is for military people trying to live in a military town where so many people are just after your money. You have to be on your guard constantly. I did 20 myself and a lot of that was at sea.

BTW, San Diego is not as bad as Norfolk, I’ve done both.

Do you know your FICO score at the time of purchase?

Just pay them and stop trying to weasel your way out because of their error.

@Alwin‌ If you read the whole thread the person has solved their problem and gone off into cyber space and he was not trying to weasel out of anything. Once a thread has reached a conclusion just leave it alone please.