I think new cars should come with better set of jacking points. Instead of having to jack on that pinch-weld seam, there should be a rubber pad at all four corners, diameter large enough that a floor jack fits inside. Rubber for safety, less chance of slipping. And two more rubber pads, one at the front, the other at the rear, so you can jack both wheels at the same time (front or rear) in order to then place jackstands at the corner pads.
Good idea? Bad idea? How many dollars extra would you pay for that?
Me, I’d pay an extra $200 for a car w/ that configuration.
Good idea?? probably
Will it ever happen?? probably not
Cost?? probably in the $5,000 plus range considering all weather (rubber) floor mats for my truck cost $179 and for the TRD Rav-4 Offroad they cost an extra $199…
The frame would have to be completely re-engineered to incorporate all (6) the large flat jacking pads…
I have these to go on the pinch wells. there held up by magnets. and then the black pucks attach to the bottom. on the back of my car, it came with pucks already attached to the vehicle.
There’s a thread about this on my Chevy Volt forum/messageboard. The manufacturers are making it harder and harder to work on your own car. Intentionally I believe.
The owners manual does show 4 jack points on my Volt. The problem is, once you lift up a corner with your floor jack there is NO other place to position a jackstand so you can work safely underneath! It’s a pain in the youknowwhat.
I know this isn’t exactly what you meant but vehicles that come with a spare and jack have clearly marked jacking points for the jack provided by the manufacturer. Here are the jacking points for the three vehicles in our stable:
On a Tacoma forum I am on they were talking about rotating tires and only having 1 floor jack and 2 stands, well probably 80-90% of the guys put the jack stands under the rear axle and then floor jack 1 front tire at a time, and I kept thinking it is a lifted truck thing or whatever, then after thinking about it I realized they were all DIYers that didn’t know where to jack the front up in the center to put it on stands and then just put the floor jack under the rear pumpkin to have all 4 wheels off the ground…
Yes I said it would be much safer to just buy a $60 set of stands to have 4 stands under the vehicle…
Those guys probably think nothing’s ever going to happen to them
And then, when it does, they only have themselves to blame
what cracks me up about some of those DIYers is that they talk as if they’re on the professional level just because they’ve changed oil and done a pad slap
You know me, I have been blunt about correcting a few things that has been said…
They got some pros on there also, but it is truly a lot of DIYer hard core off roading/camping enthusiast… A ton of good info about my truck, and I have already bought one programing tool (Carista) from one guy (it is pretty cool what hidden features that can be changed, like I changed the factory 3 blinks to 7 blinks on the lane change setting) and was gifted another part from some good people on there… And gasp Venders are allowed on there, at least vender is a moderator on it… lol
The venders are very helpful with certain problems also…
Over the years I’ve owned old vehicles that had a lot of undercarriage rust, including rusted out pinch weld areas, that a jack would push right through.
My solution was to put a floor jack and a 2x6x6 plank in the trunk. It worked well whenever I needed to change a tire or to put on snow tires.
You’ve already taught us diy’ers to preface our comments here by admitting we are all knuckleheads. I’m not disputing that fact. And I expect all of us knucklehead diy’ers here know we aren’t able to repair any car that drives into our driveway, like an experienced pro could. We just don’t know as much about the entire spectrum of cars. And we don’t have all the tooling pro’s have. But diy’ers have one advantage over pros, we only need to know about one or two cars. Not all of them. Thats a pretty big advantage.
I owned a '16 TRD OR and a '19 TRD Pro and never cross-rotated. The TRD OR rotation can be done with just a jack on the frame under the side view mirror. The TRD Pro had too much suspension travel and required one jack stand.