An Election Based on Gas?

Sorry for the controversial post. I feel that this is an issue of importance for this forum however.


So, not a techncal question, but lets see how people feel about this idea. Is the government using the economics of oil to

1. Spin voters in the election?

2. Gain support for an invasion of Iran?

Can I ask you to re-start this off-topic discussion in the Second Opinion forum
where it properly belongs? Thank you.

I’m not sure the point you’re trying to make, but any foreign action by the US towards Iran will INCREASE the price of oil, and as a result gasoline, which is what I believe you are talking about. Rolling back the 18Cent fed tax is peanuts in the overall scheme of things.

As we stated in a previous post, the US government can do exactly nothing about the price of oil, other than subsidizing it with tax dollars, which from an economic point of view is the exact wrong thing to do. Mr. McCain, if he wins will have to deal with reality next February!!

“Sorry for the controversial post.”

No, you’re not.

  1. The government is not using oil economics for anything. The presidential candiates are and that’s fair game. The Democrats want a solution to high prices that does not include additional oil resources. The Republicans want a solution that requires aditional oil resources. To me, additional supply is required to control prices or it just becomes a program to control costs at government expense. That can’t last long. Under that scenario, you can pay at the pump or you can pay on April 15th.

  2. Invade Iran? Now, that’s a wierd thought. I know that you aren’t the first, by far, to suggest this. But it’s so far out in left field that it is inconceivable at this time. Do you recall how much posturing there was before we invaded Iraq? The current adminsitration would be out of office before this could take place, given the propoganda they effused last time.

Just another opinion of a simple, narrow minded Liberal.
Hey, did you ever consider that gas prices weren’t realy an issue until the election came about and Liberals were dominant in Washington. Ever consider that this similar economic jeapordy was being practiced during other times in our recent history when one party was dominant in opposition of the President, or house and Senate against the other?
Here is an inconvenient truth: while Clinton was distracting all of us and wagging his finger at the nation telling us he didn’t have sex with that woman, the middle east was significantly becomeing more and more unstable, and my fellow soldiers were being killed off in Bosnia (With the UN who allowed other national forces to rape and pillage the locals). We finally have a President with enough integrity and honesty to confront a growing middle east threat. He hasn’t given a hoot about things like his approval rateings and wheather the war was going to be “Groovey” or not. Do yourself a favor and turn off the evening news and take that time to do your own research. I have an in-country source in Iraq who I am very proud of.

Don’t worry about norm, he seems to have some unresolved issues with bubba clinton.

  1. Of course they are. They’re also using medical insurance, social security, disabled vets, agricultural subsidies, trade balances, housing sales, auto sales (the labor vote), emissions laws, ethenol (farm vote), and the opponents’ family members and pastors.

  2. No. They’re avoiding that subject like the plague.

Hey, did you ever consider that gas prices weren’t realy an issue until the election came about and Liberals were dominant in Washington.

WHAT??? I suggest you check your facts. Or are you calling Dick Chaney a Liberal??? Which is it.

We finally have a President with enough integrity and honesty to confront a growing middle east threat.

Oh dear GOD…What integrity…LYING to the American people about a war…Having THOUSANDS of our soldiers KILLED because of this drummed up war with IRAQ…That’s integrity…That’s being truthful.

while Clinton was distracting all of us and wagging his finger at the nation telling us he didn’t have sex with that woman

HUH…Clinton wasn’t distracting us at all…Stark was distracting us. Personally I could care less if he had an extramarital affair. Makes no difference to me. I have other issues with Clinton…that isn’t one of them.

the middle east was significantly becomeing more and more unstable

It is NOW far more unstable then it was before, during or immediately after the 8 years of Clinton. GW is making more enemies then we can kill.

o yourself a favor and turn off the evening news and take that time to do your own research.

Research is NOT something you are qualified to discuss. You’ve PROVEN that you don’t do any research and your facts are so far off I can only believe that your only source is the National Enquire.

He and Skipper can hold a convention of Bush supporters!

Does anyone have a phone booth that they can rent? That booth would easily hold all of Dubya’s supporters.

Now, let’s not make fun of his 0.0083% approval rating.

…and your car qustion is ?

Don’t forget make, model and year will ya.

Does anyone remember when Bush complained about Clinton’s energy policy in 2000? Back then, gas was less than $2 a gallon. Now it is $4 a gallon.

Does anyone remember the federal surplus Bush inherited in January 2001? That’s been managed with equal skill.

Does anyone remember when healthcare was affordable?

Does anyone remember when FEMA reacted to Hurricane Andrew? That was before Bush made FEMA a part of the Department of Homeland Security. Who knew that making it part of the DHS would lead to total dysfunction? Wait a minute. Richard Clark knew. Joseph Lieberman knew. The head of FEMA knew.

Conservatives believe the government can’t do anything right. Then they get into office and prove themselves right. Big surprise.

Does anyone remember when FEMA reacted to Hurricane Andrew? That was before Bush made FEMA a part of the Department of Homeland Security.

Granted Bush hired Michael D Brown…but I don’t even Bush knew how incompetent this fool was. Brown hadn’t a clue what was going on or what to do. He was a complete joke. Where Bush was at fault…was appointing this fool who had no qualifications what-so-ever to hold a post like this.

Blood is thicker than water, they say. In this case it’s appointing buddies without any visible qualifications to extremely responsible positions. My wife has been an emergency response nurse in crisis situations; she’s appalled at the Katrina response. So are the Dutch, who have their share of floods and dike ruptures, and to whom preparedness is second nature.

When Dutch engineers visited New Orleans after Katrina their conclusion was that it wwas just an accident waiting to happen. Bush had previously vetoed a major expense bill to reinforce the levees.

One of the most fatal decisions was to appoint Jerry Bremmer governor of Iraq on conclusion of the war. Another Bush buddy who would have difficulty manging a boy scout troop. Whereas in post war Germany, the Allies neutralized the most virulent Nazis, the quickly commandeered the rest into their servcie to stem the Soviets. The Germans were quite happy to change bosses, make a good living and keep the Commies at bay.

The Iraqi army, purged of its nasty leaders, would have served equally well under the Yanks, instead of becoming muderous pillaging freebooters who sold their service to the highest bidder. These guys grw and harvest opium in their “off season” while they are not fighting.

I came here to talk about cars not politics.
Can the moderators move this thread please?

“Oh dear GOD…What integrity…LYING to the American people about a war…Having THOUSANDS of our soldiers KILLED because of this drummed up war with IRAQ…That’s integrity…That’s being truthful.”

I disagree. There were plenty of opinions on both sides in the intelligence community. The problem is that the more anxious members of administration (Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld) believed that they know more than the CIA did. Because the CIA had missed several things leading up to the decision to invade, these folk ignored the CIA when they said that there were no WMDs. But the British intelligence community and some Iraqi ex-patriots insisted that WMDs existed. No one in the major news outlets checked the stories. If they had, they would have seen that the assertions made by Cheney and Rumsfeld were circuitous. The journalists did not do their job, either. Actually, one of the smaller syndicates (Hurst, I think) did expose the tenuous assertions, but the Washington Post, NY Times, and Chicago Tribune weren’t paying attention. I don’t think that anyone lied. Cheney et al truly believed that there were WMDs and they were wrong.

Is there a way to delete an entire post and all its threads?

If Bush ran today he’d beat the 3 we’ve got to choose from.


LOL, maybe his 25% approval rating would be adequate (in a four way race).

In a two way race, little george’s legacy is the main reason that McCain is very unlikely to win (which I personally think is unfortunate). The republicans are in almost the same position that they were in '76 (post-nixon). Just to be clear, I am not anti-republican, I’m just anti-idiot.

Click on the little red flag in the corner and continue to do so until the thread is removed. I’ve been doing it all day but the thread continues. Maybe if someone else flags this discussion it will be removed.

The quality of questions and posts have been going down hill on the board for some time. Questions about “water for gas”, the increasing number of lunatic posters (like beefy norm and waddell to name just two), this thread about politics.

I have strong feelings about politics but I will not discuss them here. I am here to share my experience in the automotive field and try to help people with their car problems.

Politics has no place here!