I dunno. I don’t like white cars. I think they blend in with the concrete pavement too much. I had a white Corvair once and I made a lot of money fixing it after people hit it. A girl even ran into it when she was taking her driver’s test. Of course she left a note. Gray is also bad especially in fog. I have a gray car but I’m careful and just keep in mind that people can’t see me. So regardless of where you are, you get rain and fog and sometimes snow so keep the lights on.
Buddy of mine’s dad bought a new silver / light gray colored platinum edition f150. Very little chrome on it, the bumpers and grill were painted the body color. He actually stopped driving it because he said people were constantly pulling out in front of him. He’s passed away now. He was a good guy. Good ole “Tonto Silverstein” (nickname from a joke he told - long story)
Had more troubles in my daughters maroon saturn than our silver Rav4. I think size matters.
All lights on 24/7, and weather, any season, any color vehicle.
I will also add that white isn’t a good color for being seen. If it was, fire engines and ambulances would be painted white. It sort of blends in with other neutral colors.
I’m not saying anyone should buy a red or neon green or neon yellow car, or get your car painted, particularly because I’ve seen first hand how the sun does a number on a red paint job. I also recommend against buying a car that is a tacky color for the sake of safety. What I’m saying is offer some contrast. If you want a white car, get one with black trim. If you get a grey or silver car, don’t get the one with plain grey or silver trim, get one with black trim for contrast.
With Florida’s hot sun, my next car will probably be a white one, and it might even have white trim, but that’s a trade-off I’m willing to make to hope the paint job lasts in my hot climate longer than my red paint job has.
That’s all I will buy is silver and white cars. Surprisingly (or not) I’ve never had problems with people not seeing me, but all my cars have automatic lights. GM has documented their long history of automatic lights and their safety benefit for saving lives and reducing collisions.
I always thought a white car would look dirty quickly after cleaning, however, I find that these colors (white and silver) stay clean looking the longest.
Also, especially for Florida’s Sun Coast the white and silver (reflective) absorb less solar energy, staying cooler and should also make paint last longer. Take 2 cars sitting in hot sun, one white, one dark colored, and touch them. The difference in temperature is quite obvious!
If that’s not reason enough to like white and silver, I believe they are still the top selling, most popular colors (or right up there), making resale easier and more lucrative.
I like black because my wife likes black. She says that if the dealers were more accommodating to females, they would arrange their cars by color not model. Heh heh. I’m flexible though. Each model seems to have a couple colors that really look good on that model but not necessarily on other models, and the designers seem to spend a lot of time with color samples before they hit production. Speaking of black and ole Henry, I read Tesla is now going to charge $1000 more for black. I suppose dark pigment costs more or something. I saw a gray Tesla at a wedding Saturday and it really would have looked better in black though. Just my humble opinion.