Acura TSX Transmission Filter Change Help No Clearance?

I have a 2014 Acura TSX with automatic transmission and 2.4 L 4 cylinder engine.

I’m trying to follow the instructions on ShopKey. I remove the air intake hose and the air filter housing, but that didn’t provide much clearance. It is also leaking on the bottom of the filter.

There is a single bolt there, but I can’t seem to get a good grip on it to loosen it.

Also, I’ve tried searching online to find a video of someone doing this job on this car and I can’t find one. Not only does the bolt seem to be issue, but I’d imagine removing the clamps would be just as difficult.

If someone can please some guidance on how to do this job and remove this bolt and hose clamps, that would be great! Or perhaps a video showing how someone did this.

You may have to lift the transmission off the mounts a little first. No experience with that job, but in general for difficult to access fasteners, these are the tricks diy’er me uses

  • Remove anything in the way that’s even remotely easy to remove, splash shields, battery, air intake ducts, engine air filter housings, wheels, etc.
  • Try wheel ramps vs jack-stands.
  • For things connected by tubes, remove the other ends of the tubes too.
  • Try various socket & wrench configurations: different handle lengths, both ends of combo wrench, crows-foot adapters, bend the wrench, etc. . Use flare versions of the tools when working w/flare fittings. Vice-grips can be surprisingly effective sometimes.
  • Lift engine/transmission slightly off mounts

Best of luck. When perplexed, taking a short break for a bit of a think while enjoying a cup of coffee or tea seems to help.


But not TOO much coffee or tea . . .

you don’t want to have so much caffeine that you’re jittery and even more frustrated, which might actually DECREASE your chances of success

I’ve seen guys that had WAY too much caffeine, to the point that someone else had to take over the repair job(s)