IMHO the government should absolutely NOT drive bad companies out of business.
They should also NOT use our tax dollars to bail out bad companies when they go bankrupt on their own. That is NOT the purpose for which we pay taxes. Let the market decide.
Well, I agree with the latter point 100% - GM should be dead, and if a company is “too big to fail” then it should be broken up such that it isn’t anymore.
But to the first point, if the bad companies are intentionally hurting/killing people or doing patently illegal things, then there absolutely should be a mechanism whereby they can be forced out of business.
Look, the corporations want to be treated as people when convenient for them, and as legal fictions which are not responsible for their actions when not. I don’t think they should have it both ways.
If the corporations are to be considered people for the purposes of everything from taxation to political campaign donations, and they are to be given the “rights” (freedom of speech, etc) of actual people, then they should face the same responsibilities as actual people.
If I knowingly booby-trapped my car and then sold it to you, and you died as a result of my actions, I’d be up on manslaughter charges at minimum.
If I did it on a mass scale, I’d be in jail for the rest of my life.
Well, if corporations want to be people, then perhaps they should get life sentences when they do things that people get life sentences for. And since you can’t actually jail a corporation, you simply cut off its ability to do business. Corporate jail.
The alternative is to stop considering corporations to be people, and start heavily regulating them as the business entities that they actually are. They don’t get a voice in elections. They don’t get to contribute money to elections. They, like any other endeavor which uses public goods and infrastructure to turn profits, must do so under laws and guidelines set up to ensure that they don’t trample all over everyone in their path in their quest for money.