A.I. cars wiithout windows?

Anyone hear of a car without windows? An acquaintance tells me she saw a mobile sculpture - it looked real boxy, something a sculpture artist would create - traveling down a road that didn’t have any. She didn’t say anything about the windshield so maybe it had that. I maybe Tesla might’ve built one but can’t find it googling. Thanks.

They have screens and wraps that you can see out of but can’t tell they are there on the vehicle…
Here is just one example from Street Outlaws: Farmtruck and AZN…

Not to mention they also have cameras and video monitors to make it look like you are looking out of a window that is not there… Doesn’t mean it has anything to do with AI, but I am sure those are out there also… lol

We don’t have that level of autonomous vehicle yet. But when they finally reach Level 5 - then the only need for glass would be so the occupants could see out - which could also be accomplished with cameras and video screens.

Sure path to motion sickness - no windows.

The police still need to be able to see in.

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No fooling. Tesla gave everyone one month of autopilot. It stinks. It turns at an intersection, but only right. I try to go around a circle in my neighborhood and it wants to turn right. I come to a T intersection with my left turn signal on and it changes to a right turn signal and tries to turn right. The other day I was passing a school. Someone was turning right into the parking lot and the car decided to follow it and turn left. I didn’t put the turn signal on; I wanted to continue straight. I’m not using autopilot anywhere except a low speed, uncrowded environment because it only does what it wants. Total garbage. In this case AI means artificial ignorance. This reinforces my decision to forego the $6000 charge to buy autopilot.

And it apparently drives cars into curbs, damaging the wheels:
Tesla Owners Complain ‘Full-Self Driving’ Keeps Driving Their Cars Into Curbs (jalopnik.com)