A follow-up to the recent DeSoto posts

I was just looking at a wonderful picture of a few 1955 DeSotos in all of their various body styles, and all of them were two-toned. Why did two tone paint go out of style?
When i can figure out how, I’ll upload the picture.

I think 2 tone paint went away when trim strips went away. The chrome strip running midway across the sides gives a natural break between 2 colors. We don’t do that anymore.

Plus 2 tone paint would need to be applied by pulling the car off the assembly line in a seperate paint booth with humans to paint it. That would be expensive.


Around 1960. But you could buy a two tone Suburban very recently. And a number of cars now come with a different roof color, and vinyl tops were typically a different color.

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I was going to say one word Money, and that is still why I think but my 93 Silverado is two tone as well as a lot of trucks (at least GM anyway) in that era are…

We need trim strips again. Chrome ones!

I can find two tone Suburbans up to 2003, then the new model came out, no two tones.

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By the looks of the photos of your vehicles you post here, you pro mechanics seem to take really good care of their appearance. Silicon Valley engineers on the other hand are well known to drive --on average – the oldest, worst-looking cars in the company parking lot,many are unwashed, unwaxed. Meanwhile the marketing staff’s cars are mostly new looking, most are recently washed. I wonder why that is?

I know you are not talking about my vehicles, cause they only get washed when Mother Nature washes them… :rofl: :rofl:
Funny part is you can’t see what I am doing with the truck, or why the blue moving blanket is on the front bumper… I cut the left side of the picture out… lol

Now all my friends take immaculate care of the outside of their vehicles and maintenance…

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Same with my vehicles other than the windw glass and mirrors and then only when they get to 50% visibility or less. :grinning:


As Mustangman said, the “chrome” on the sides went away, so did the two tone and three tone colors.
Then came the vinyl roof, how about a paisley or flower power roof on your Barracuda?
Then excessive vinyl graphics, my Rampage had the hood covered with a huge 2.2 graphic.
Two tone, listed as secondary color, are still available on pickups.