2020 Kia Sportage - Peeling paint

In August 2023 I purchased a 2020 Kia Sportage with 6,800 miles. Currently it has 17,000 miles and the clear coat is peeling off both side mirrors and also the liftgate. My climate isn’t harsh by any means. This is clearly a defective paint job done at manufacture. It’s been more than 36 months but it’s well within the 36,000 mile limit. Does Kia honor their contracts and am I going to get the runaround? Thanks for any help

I believe your paint is warrantied for 3 years or 36k miles, whichever comes first.
So, unfortunately you are out of luck.

Operative word is “or”.
Kia is under no obligation, especially on a car purchased used.

It’s only a 4 years old , I paid 26,000 it had 6800 miles Aug 2023. How can a Car manufacturer get away with this? It’s a manufacturing defect that compromises the whole paint job causing detrimental effects on actual structure. Actual structure should remain protected for more than a decade. NHTSA says they don’t take complaints about paint failures

Why did you make a 2nd user??

I have noticed early paint failure on plastic parts on more expensive vehicles (Lexus).
The tailgate spoiler is plastic, it will not rust or compromise the structural integrity of the vehicle.

It is a competitive market; vehicle manufactures look for cost savings particularly on the lower end of the market. They will get away with manufacturing cheap products as long as consumers are willing to buy them.