Bubbling paint edge of hood.
We did our best to warn Car Talk readers with this focus story.…
You might check if you can get in on the class action suit. Apparently Ford has know about problems since the early days of using aluminum panels.
It is common problem on aluminum hoods, it is not rust it is some kind of aluminum corrosion . WE got this on our 2014 dodge Grand caravan which a lot of people have an issue with. At least they backed it and bought a new hood and had dealer paint it for free . So far I havent seen a reoccurence .
Good info above. OP, are you able to post a photo of the problem? That will give us some guidance what to tell you, whether to just accept that paint bubbles a little sometimes, or that the problem really does need to be addressed.
Going forward, to have your best chance at preventing a recurrence, suggest to apply wax to the paint job twice a year, and hose the paint surface with a forceful water spray on a regular basis, weekly.