2016 Edge engine design flaw

Open Deck

Closed Deck


Thanks. I get it.

Modern vehicles do not require additional maintenace for typical use.

For ā€œSpecial operating conditionsā€; trailer towing, off road driving and commercial use, the manual states to follow the oil change maintenance computer. Additional maintenance items include transmission fluid replacement, air filters and spark plugs.

Trips to the store and sporting events do not qualify as special operating conditions.

Not special, but typical for many drivers. That type of usage needs to be taken into consideration when deciding if the ā€œsevere serviceā€ maintenance regime is called for.

Lots of short trips adding up to 500 miles is much more ā€œsevereā€ than a 500 mile day trip.


One Ford product in my life and thatā€™s enough for me money pissed away.

Wow, Iā€™ve had them since my 20s. A T-bird in the 70s, Explorer, Escape, Edge. Only the last one turned into a nightmare.

My question remains unanswered. Ford says change the engine coolant every 30k miles. Does this mean you have a receipt in hand showing this was actually done?
Last 2 sentences in the text attached to the pic you posted.
Ford is not by any means the only car maker to use an open deck design.

As for Ford wouldnā€™t be coughing up 8k that could simply mean itā€™s a business decision to avoid a lawsuit. I am not privy to Fordā€™s numbers but since this is done under warranty the actual cost to Ford would likely be way less than 8k as not only are labor hours cut but also the per hour labor charge on warranty operations along with the actual cost to Ford of a replacement engine. Cheaper than a courtroom no matter how itā€™s sliced and the 20% you are paying with cover a good chunk of that.

The maintenance computer takes that into account. Are you looking at the correct maintenance schedule?

Iā€™ve only owned one ford product but as a kid we had several. There was a report though that ford lost close to a billion dollars last quarter, and increased their warranty fund substantially. Plus they have over 40,000 vehicles sitting unfinished due to parts shortages. I donā€™t think it is just ford though. We likely have never seen anything that is coming our way.

Also heard that Honda is quitting the walk behind lawn mower business by 2023. Regulations just too hard to cope with anymore.

On my 5th Ford product over almost 40 years. Never had any serious issues with any of them.


Me, neither, until now. Still love the car, hoping to be back in it soon. Was promised first week of November, now December.:face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

ā€œFord says change the engine coolant every 30k milesā€
@ok4450 My 2017 Edge manual says 100K miles.

They make garbage and there dealerships stink

I guess you could say that about any vehicle manufacture and you still would be wrong .


Ownerā€™s manual specs separate maintenance schedule for any of these

  • towing trailer or car top carrier
  • extensive Idling or Low-speed Driving for Long Distances,
  • Operating in Dusty or Sandy Conditions
  • Rear axle/ptu: extended periods of extreme or severe duty cycle driving or both PTU and the axle has been submerged in water.

So no special maintenance schedule needed for a Ford Escort showing problems with PTU/Rear axle? Really? Driving in water is way beyond typical use then? hmmm ā€¦

Your opinion. I have not found that to be true.


That would apply to the minority, how many Ford Edge owners frequently tow trailers?

Those are the exceptions, driving through deep water with the drivetrain submerged is not a common occurrence for a passenger vehicle.

It is misleading to inform OP that there is no special servicing schedule to consider. Depends on driving style and conditions, which OP has not commented. OP should follow what the ownerā€™s manual says about maintenance and the types of vehicle usage patterns the Edge is subjected to.

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I pointed out that there are special operating conditions that require additional maintenance in post 23. To say that most people should follow a severe service maintenance schedule is incorrect.

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There has been at least 1 Ford product in my garage from as early as I can remember (60 years). Generally reliable with easy to use controls. The last 2 Fords that I drove (my wife likes new cars) lasted 14 and 18 years before I traded in. Hopefully our Edge will last as long. And the dealerships have been great unlike some Asian car dealerships.