I lost my car keys inside my car. Do you know of any hidden spots for keys to fall into. Car has been searched by about 11 people and unable to find. How do I know they are in the car because i’m unable to lock it.
I am not familiar with your vehicle but, I would look in between the seats and console, also under the front seats there is usually tubes for heat, electrical wires and motor for electric seats. sometimes it’s hard to see certain areas under the seat where the keys can hide. push the seat forward and then all the way back when checking. sometimes by moving the seat you can catch a glimpse of them. another places I would look are the door pockets. try to remember what you were doing just before you lost the keys. were you looking under the hood or by the spare tire? If so, look in that area.
One last thought. If they are not under the seat, I would bet that they are not even in the car, but somewhere on the outside of the car but close enough that the vehicle thinks it is in the car. so, look all around the car. I have done that a few times when fiddling around with the car in the garage.
I’ve done this with media test cars many times. Drives me crazy. Usually, they are under the driver’s seat. They fall down the side next to the console and get hung up someplace so you have a hard time finding them. Good luck!
A single key? No keychain?
If you are only driver I would assume it’s near driver seat?
If you haven’t done it already, move your driver’s seat all the way forward then check the space between the seat and the console. If you can’t find it check under the seat again to see if it fell down when you moved the seat. If not, then move the seat all the way back and look between the seat and console again. If still no luck, look under the seat again. It might also be in the passenger’s side. Follow the procedure above and see if you find it.