2014 Cadillac CTS Sedan - It's a serious issue

This is a real problem this 2014 2.0 CT’s needs to be checked out GM and Cadilliac should be held accountable somebody is going to be killed for them to do something we should boycott all Cadilliac and GM cars it crazy passed it along

1). What is the “real problem”.
2). Okay, I will boycott Cadillac and any 8 year old GM vehicle, in fact I will not buy any brand vehicle that is 8 years old.
3). Why did you put 2023 CTS in the heading, when you have a “real (unspecified) problem” with an eight year old vehicle?
4). I would like a 58-64 Caddy, any model.


I am not a mind reader, and I don’t think that any of the other regulars in this forum have that ability, either.
What is “THIS”?


Cadillac is not one of the brands that we would purchase anyway . Does that qualify us as Boycott members ?

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I strongly suspect that you will not return to provide details about this problem.
I also suspect this is something that involves money out of your pocket on an 8 year old used car and you are just upset because it is not coming out of someone else’s pocket.


I’ve been boycotting Caddy for 70 years. Well 60 actually since I didn’t start driving till I was ten. I draw the line at GM though. I always liked them but I like Ford seats and styling better.

Or he has a SiriusXM problem!

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I think the OP wins the award for the least useful post this year.


Just be glad it wasn’t “THAT”

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On a related note, several years ago, the instruction manual for something that I bought included the following advisory:

Not be used for the other use.



Is there some sort of safety issue with these vehicles? I’m not aware of anything, but I have not experience with these models.

They are nice cars.

Perhaps there is, but 5 days later–with no clarification from the OP–I doubt if we will ever learn what “this” is.