I have a problem that seems hard to figure out what it is.
I have a 2002 Ford Windstar that I have no problem starting in the Morning on the way to work.
It starts fine after work. The problem is when I drive it for a little while like for 10 minutes and then turn it off. THen go back to start in 5 to 10 minutes it starts up then putters right out. If I wait for an hour or so and go back to try to start it most of the time it starts right up as if there wasn’t a problem.
It doesn’t do it all the time but it is becoming more frequently.
SO it only seems to happen when the car is warm.
You have a component under the hood becoming heat sensitive. Typically, that’d suggest a coil, an igniter, or even a relay.
Kill it with fire - it’s a Windstar - you’d be doing it a favor 
(I actually like Fords, but there is no excuse for the Windstar, IMO).
Seriously, though, in addition to mountainbike’s comments, I’d add that I’ve seen that exact same behavior from a failing fuel pump.
Time for a new fuel pump, no error codes or check engine light I assume. @eraser1998 Our 03 windstar has been as good as any vehicle, 1 fuel pump and plenum orings the only non maintenance after warranty repairs so far.