I’m a 67 year old widow and don’t know anything about mechanics of a car. My car has a shudder…driving or idling…1994 Cadillac Deville with 140,000 miles. It feels like a flat tire on the driver’s front side. I had the tire checked (all tires fairly new), oil changed, new motor mount at the back and front. When I make a right turn it sounds like something is rubbing on the tire, then when I get out I can smell a slight burn smell. Any help will be appreciated.
A weak spring or shock on that corner may be enough to let the chassis drop and have the tire rub.(perhaps rubbing on the inside where it’s harder to see?)
Turn the wheels all the way to the left. Get out and inspect the inside wall of the tire. Now turn it all the way to the right and inspect the inside tire wall on both tires again. Is there a difference? Does it look like the tire is rubbing on something? If so, look for something inside the wheel well that might cause the problem. If the shock is sagging, you may be able to see the nose of the car dip on one side.