06 camry vs 07

I am trying to figure out if the 07 camry is as reliable as the 07. I noticed that the jd power ratings are lower for the 07, and so I don’t know which I should buy. This is my first time buying a newer car and with a baby on the way I really want something reliable. Thank you!

“I am trying to figure out if the 07 camry is as reliable as the 07. I noticed that the jd power ratings are lower for the 07…”

I’m sure it is… buy a Honda Accord.

From my understanding the '07 was not that great,mostly tranny issues. It is a new model too so that is somewhat expected. Test drive the 07 and compare it to an “06”, I liked the older model better but that is me.

JD Powers ratings is a load of Crap. They miss the mark so many times. The way they do reliability ratings there is no way they can possibly be right. Some of their GREAT predictions…The Renault…The Plymouth Acclaim…Isuzu Pup…All were predicted by JP powers to be above average reliability…All were among some of the most problem prone vehicles ever built.

Check the ratings by Consumer Reports magazine. They are as good at reliability reporting as anyone. I doubt there’s much difference between an '06 and an '07 Camry. The Camry has always been highly related for reliability, as has the Honda Accord.

Drive both, and buy whichever you prefer. You can’t do better than a Camry or Accord.

The latest issue of Consumer Reports dropped the V6 Camry from its recommended list, precisely because of reliability issues. According to CR, the four-cyl and hybrid Camrys are ok.
