Master window switch stopped working. No windows up or down. I replaced it with a used one… worked for less than 24 hours and stopped working as well. What could be killing the switch? Any insight?
Possibly too much amp draw from a failing motor. Do you have a way to measure the amp draw?
Yessir, I’ve got a multimeter but not sure how to check
Try operating the window switch while slowly opening and closing the door.
If at any point the switch works, it points to a problem with the wires that run between the body and the door.
I’ll give it a shot in the morning and hey back to you
Is it only the master switch that doesn’t work? The other three work?
Nothing works when the switch goes out, all windows and mirrors
Them I’m with @Tester - sounds more like a wiring problem.
You can also do a wiggle test on the wires going to the switch…
But remember, you installed a used switch that might have already been about to fail also…
You can also check for power at the switch to make sure it is there or not…
Yeah, unfortunately i can only find used switches. Also, no other switches on the other doors works when the master goes out
Might have a bad ground wire…
I hands good 12v into the switch…
Wiggle the wires in the door while making the voltage measurement and see if it stays at 12v. If it fluctuates you may have a wiring issue.
It stays 12v
That’s what i figured… ordered one an hour ago actually
When i push the drivers window button you can here the control unit clicking… but no other switch in the car does anything