Name Ray's 1987 Colt Vista

There is no way this is a chick magnet. How you would think so is beyond us!!!

Old Gray Mare.

That car is, Tinker Bell

I thought you guys would own better cars then the ones I seen. you realty must like to work on them more then driving them it is not worth
a name it looks like you at a car show I can not believe you have the ------ to put this in a show.


I’m a junkie for puns, acronyms and anagrams, so I decided to look for an anagram for “Raymond Magliozzi”, and one of them came up as “Admiral Zingy Zoom.” So you could name Ray’s Dodge Colt, “Admiral Zingy Zoom”.

I think you should name her, “Dirty Sally”

The Public Radio Fundraiser Sympathy Colt

I suggest the name of Vivi, could be nice when you try and start it, go Vivi go instead of you worthless piece of garbage why the heck won’t you start.

“Rusty shades of Gray”, maybe?

“Boxster” 'cause it is so boxy looking.