I suppose I should lay it out. I’m a little gun shy about such things b/c I’ve spent plenty of time in & around the building trades. And when you’re in the midst of people who work with their hands everyday and it comes out that you’re a PhD & associate professor of sociology the abuse is pretty much never ending. So I usually just don’t bring it up in “mixed company.”
Anyway…HB asked me about this recently in another thread. Yes, I am a sociology professor, but what that really means is that I am a learner. And I have learned mostly by necessity, but also b/c I do love to get out from under the desk and work with my hands. So I’m in the hobbyist/necessity category of car knowledge.
Growing up my father was in the motorcycle business - local Kawasaki & Bultaco sales & service. I was on a motorcycle by about 5 or 6 so I had a very early intro to the maintenance responsibilities of machinery - pretty simple on a two stroke but hey, I was about 6. I also helped out a bit in the shop but by the time I was really old enough pops had moved into the lumber business (where I did work all through high school & college).
I dabbled in my own car repairs a little as necessary through high school & college but mostly left it to others.
My real dive into it was in grad school - I had a woodstove, a chainsaw but no truck and no money. Somehow I ended up with a '64 Ford pickup for $300. It was mostly rust. It ran like crap b/c someone had rigged a Pinto carb onto it. And…it needed a clutch. …and a new steering box…and brakes… I found a company selling reproductions of factory shop manuals and bought one. And realized how great it was to sweat over a dissertation for a few hours in the morning, but then over the truck for a few hours…back to the dissertation…back to the truck…
That’s basically still what I do. I’m just hitting my spring break. My students are probably all going to the beach. I’m looking forward to spending most of a day fussing with my car. If I could go surf fishing for a few days maybe I’d do that. But I’m broke, the kids don’t have a break, and the beach is too far for a day trip (and still too early in the season). So to me, a day where I have time to just fuss with car is something like a day of fishing.
I do now own a repair manual for any car I buy. I learn huge amounts from those whenever I have to figure out something new. And now with the vast, wide-open spaces of the internet I learn a ton more there. I’ve been around to a lot of sites. This one is by far the best for the collective wisdom of its contributors. So I’ll just shut up now by saying thanks to all the nutty characters who populate it.