Would you date a guy who lived in a van?

Hi Tara,

I say that if all other signs are in his favor, go for it. But I’m probably biased. I live in my car (a toyota prius) and I love it. I don’t plan on living in it forever, but I haven’t for a moment regretted making the decision to try it out while I’m young. I love having the financial freedom and the time to do what I want. Sounds like he’s chosen to live in his van for similar reasons.

It’s all about your attitude to vandwelling.

I am curious about the apartment. 25 minutes doesn’t seem THAT far away. It could very well be that he doesn’t have one, but is so used to people overreacting when he tells them about the van that it’s easier to just say he does HAVE an apartment just chooses not to use it.

I wouldn’t, but I’m a guy. Consider if you’re in love with the guy then consider his priorities. His becoming a Dr. sounds pretty special. But if being a little outside the norm is troubling then consider meeting a Dr. with possibly more shallow priorities. But that might mean you were possibly more shallow too. If he comes through on the real important stuff he’ll probably make a good provider and parent. From what you said I gathered he was a prince with some quirky ideas. Consider others with quirky ideas such as Einstein, Nash, and others who have made significant contributions to the world. Unless boring normalcy is priority one with you go for for a very interesting journey. The most treasured memories are the ones with struggle and impact.

Remember the movie “Catch me if you can” perhaps the guy is just impersonating a “Stanford Med Student”

Better question, would you want the guy for your doctor?

Tara, I heard your new adventure to travel across Canada? I live in North Carolina and am planning a trip to California via some route or other and don’t know how to get there without boiling my oil in some desert I hear is between here and Big Sur. How are you folks going to New Hampshire? What route are you taking? I look forward to hearing from you or anyone else reading this blog. Violet Canary