Wish fullfilled

Oldschool, I agree that there will be push-back if we try to force this change on everyone. Let’s let the market do its thing so that, like hybrids, those who want and can afford electric vehicles can buy them when they have a competitive advantage.

Caddyman, outsourcing of labor to countries where labor is cheap is what made this country great back when it was young. Back in the late 1700s and early 1800s, the USA was the China of the world (economically). Manufacturers from other countries sent their labor jobs here, and we were glad to have them and the development that followed them. Trying to stop this flow of jobs would be like trying to stop a flood with one person and a shovel.

Those countries, like India and China, won’t have the cheapest labor forever. Eventually, those countries will develop, the labor will become more expensive, and the jobs will go to another developing country. This is exactly what happened to the jobs that were in Japan and Hong Kong back in the 1980s. It is the natural order of global economics.

Here in the US, we need to learn to compete in a global knowledge-based economy. Those labor jobs are never coming back, at least not in significant amounts.

Whitey, I See Now Why You Like The “Sharing” Idea.


Why, CSA, because I believe in [i]free markets[/i]? Or is it because I am being responsible about not acquiring too much debt?

It’s real. There was a promotional photo complete with range (50 miles), price, and other specs. It’s 100% electric and looks like a normal bike…except there was no rider baking over a hot engine.

Jiffy Lube is gonna flush my battery, too? :wink:

I just couldn’t resist…