I think this is an IS, which doesn’t have that feature.
What is the plan in place now (by the people who designed the 12 lane highway) for cars that lose engine power in the situation you describe? Loss of engine power can be caused by other conditions than the driver shutting off the key.
That said…it’s enough to not make you want to run out and buy one with it; but then some just can’t parallel park and want “microsoft” or whoever supplies the “brains” to do it for them.
That would certainly be a worst case scenario, but even in that instance I would much prefer having some control over the car than letting the out of control acceleration continue and have no control. Can you imagine that happening in 12 lane rush hour traffic? I would be praying for a kill switch at that point, power steering & brakes or not!
A kill switch would just make problems worse. The problem is the human being behind the wheel. They generally panic when something goes wrong and besides all vehicles already have a kill switch…it’s called an ignition switch.
The brake override feature in some cars is kind of a kill switch in that the car will return to idle with the brake applied even if your foot is smashed down on the gas peddle.
All I am saying is that you are better off with the car in neutral and the engine on than with the engine off. If you have to negotiate even two lanes to get to the shoulder, the more control you have of the steering, the better off you will be.
crminals. some cars have owner installed kill switches to hold off criminals. you make these common, or standard features, they’ll know where they are, and disengage them, and continue hotwiring them.
Since I truly believe that is all you are saying Whitey I believe my advice to “lighten up on the drama” is allowed.
Did not really want to dispute your position using “strawman” tactics but you went “Hollywood” on me, I though I was in a Bruce Willis film.