Which car for a senior?

It appears that Mustangman–one of our most valued contributors–has departed, so it is good to see the return of Dagosa.


Consumer Reports did a long article about cars for seniors - maybe a couple years ago. IIRC the Subaru Forester was well thought of.

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Where’d @Mustangman go @VDCdriver ? I could’ve sworn I saw him commenting not long ago… But then again, I think things that happened 10 yrs ago were like last month sometimes. So I’m not the best to judge these things.

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IIRC, it has been several weeks since he posted anything.


Thanks @VDCdriver … You just made me have to look up what “IIRC” meant.

I’m a renaissance man trying to keep pace with today as best as I can. Not always up to date with the “lingo” haha I’m sad…

OMG IMNSVHO UR |)()|||6 /=|||3 OKBMR?

Look’s like greek to me I am like blackbird not up to date.

topic:157761, full:true"]

OMG IMNSVHO UR |)()|||6 /=|||3 OKBMR?

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The least you could do is provide a translation .


What fun would that be? :wink:

“What’d you call me? Them is fight’n words!” said CSA , angrily throwing open-end wrench to the ground… :angry: :facepunch: :wrench:
:palm_tree: :sunglasses::palm_tree:

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Don’t throw the wrench on the ground @common_sense_answer … throw it AT @shadowfax … he’s got 4 legs, runs like the wind and hangs out with a wizard for God sakes…


I’ll start decoding.

OMG = Oh My God

IMNSVHO = In My Not So Very Humble Opinion

OKBMR = OK, Boomer

I’m lost on the special and numeric characters. I think I have the general idea for IMNSVHO.

From what I see the most recent post was Jan 7, 2020. Not that long ago. I expect MM has got other stuff occupying their time at the present.

Close! My handle is named after the 70’s/80’s prog-rock/blues/new age band, which was named after the horse. :wink:

“Doing fine.” It’s all in the shapes the symbols make. Was a brief fad internet typing style called hyperleet.

Thanks for your input. I’ve also heard good things about some of the Hyundai SUVs. However, I’ll stick with the CR ratings and limit myself to the highest rated small SUVs to seriously consider.

Honestly, I was expecting to buy a 10-year old sedan, but the same age SUV is pricier. I’m debating with myself how much extra money to pull out of savings, as I expect to be living for quite some time with what I buy.

Have been sad to learn that the Beetle, this iconic car of my youth (though latest incarnation was a total redesign), is no longer in production.

Am a newbie. Couldn’t remember either of my login credentials, so I’m just now replying. Just learning the ropes in this forum…

Thank you, everyone, :yin_yang: for your input. You’ve given me great tips and information. Next I’ll be taking test drives in different SUVs.

And since there’s no longer an active “Car Talk” show on the air, I’m extremely pleased that this online community is active.

I didn’t say that’s what you said; I just thought you’d possibly know of a sedan that was higher than the Accord and/or the average sedan. Thank you for your input.

From the explanations I’ve received from medical professionals, I attribute this back problem to a large degree as a result of my age. I didn’t have this for most of my life, but through no fault of my own, have a degenerative back condition that not everyone has. And having led an active life, the discs in my back are wearing out.

And I can get in and out of any car, including my ground-hugging roadster. But now I have more trouble doing the same, and it exacerbates my pain. Also, many seniors are on fixed incomes; so that in the title implies that I might be on a restrictive budget.

I am sorry you find my choice of words, though it could’ve been more exacting, offensive. But sometimes I just think that political correctness is carried too far.

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:rofl: :blush: :rofl:

I had to look it up too!