What's the best time of day to check oil?

I guess it depends where you work. I have attended meetings at my last three employers where management told us a thing or two, but they were billed as management messages beforehand. For the most part, meetings meant to solve problems were focused on that. Some of us also had training in how to run a meeting. I prepare an agenda and like to send it out ahead of time so that people come ready to discuss issues rather than get assignments at the meeting. We also learned about drawing quiet attendees into the discussion and keeping the discussion on issues and not personalities.

Sounds like something he would do, however, one of my redneck buddies rigged up his riding mower to pull two additional push mowers behind it, almost doubling the width of the cut. He got some funny looks from the neighbors but it did make quick work of the acreage he was mowing.
Sort of like this guy did.

I was wondering where all the rabbits went that used to eat my bushes every winter, and then my wife saw a coyote in the neighborhood.

The world needs coyotes, to keep Acme industries solvent.

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There’s a pond in my sister-in-law’s backyard a few miles from here. Several residences border that pond. Mysteriously, several little pet dogs went missing over a period of time. The mystery was solved when a satiated gator was spotted in the pond. :poodle: :crocodile:
CSA :palm_tree::sunglasses::palm_tree: