What Thead Hijacking Means


Posted in “Maintenance and Repairs”?

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Hijacking is hijacking.

And if you noticed Bing, I started a new thread on a new subject.

Unlike some people on this board.


Umm, by definition, “hijacking” a thread on a discussion board involves spam, i.e. attempting to deflect the discussion toward something you are selling/promoting/paid to promote.

If someone starts a thread asking for assistance with some problem on their Toyota Corolla, and someone else posts about a similar problem with their Ford Focus, sure it’s not helpful to the OP, but it’s not a “hijack”. Similarly, if someone starts a thread discussing engine problems with their current car, others might post financial advise, or criticize the OP’s personal choices, still not “hijacking”.

I never owned a snow blower.

No spam here.

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But electric snowblowers are pretty good.

I have never owned a snow blower either. My father made us shovel the snow in the frigid cold weather. Once we all moved out, then he bought a snow blower because shoveling was too much work.

Still no spam, and thus no “hijacking”.

Perhaps this is related to the “Seinfeld” episode “The Postponement”

George: I want your honest opinion about something.
Jerry: Have I ever been less than forthright?
George: No, you haven’t. Well, maybe you have. What do I know.
Jerry: Yeah, I probably have. Yeah, of course I have. What am I talking about?
George: All right. Okay, tell me what you think about this idea: Extend the doors on the toilet stalls at Yankee Stadium all the way to the floor.
Jerry: Extend the doors on the toilet stalls at Yankee Stadium to the floor …door comes down. Hides your feet. Yes. I like it. I like it a lot.
George: It’s good, right?
Jerry: I think it’s fantastic. I think it’s a fantastic idea.
George: You do?
Jerry: Yes, I do.
George: Well, I told it to Susan: before, and she didn’t like it.
Jerry: Hmm.
George: Yeah. Not only that, this is what she said to me, “Can we change the subject?”
Jerry: See, now that I don’t care for.
George: Right. I mean, we’re on a subject. Why does it have to be changed?
Jerry: It should resolve of its own volition.
George: That’s exactly what I said, except I used the word “momentum”.
Jerry: Momentum - same thing.

I always thought Seinfeld was one of the most overrated, unfunny “comedy” shows on TV. I could not understand how he was paid millions of dollars a year to star in that garbage, and looking back, I can’t understand how millions of people wasted their time and electricity to watch Seinfeld, when watching paint dry or watching the weeds grow would have been just as entertaining.


lol … That’s exactly what my dad said about The Tonight Show w/Johnny Carson. The ratings evidence say he definitely held a minority opinion. But that’s the reason they make ice cream in more than one flavor.

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That is the way I felt about 90% of TV shows that also is why there is no TV in my house and hasn’t been for many years.

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Your definition of thread hijacking is very loose, anything can be discussed.

A man walks into a library and asks the librarian for books about paranoia.
She whispers, “They’re right behind you!”

Maybe off topic, but not a hijacking.



I thought about HiJacking a thread but I really don’t have a place to keep it.


You would get stuck with it, no one would pay the ransom.

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Can we get back on topic please???

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Speaking of board, doesn’t hijacking make the thread boring, and is this comment hijacking?

In Seinfeld’a voice…

Why is it an URBAN dictionary? Don’t the terms mean the same in the suburbs? Or were all the terms invented in the cities? Is there a Suburban Dictionary? What terms would it have in it…


I once hijacked a thread, but the jack tipped over and the thread busted wide open.

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