What is the least informative question possible?

On the phone, any question prefaced with ;
…uh, dad ?..

“Dad…I’m alright!!!”

Another one of my favorites is along the lines of…“when I pull out of my driveway, my engine kills”.
Really? What type of weapon did it use?
How many people has it killed?
Has your engine simply been charged with manslaughter, or has the DA decided to upgrade the charge to murder?

I have to assume that these folks are attempting to tell us that their engine “dies” under certain circumstances, but I tend to avoid responding when the OP is severely language-impaired.

The vehicle owner was trying to describe a hesitation,jerking sensation when using the term “Hucklebuck”

If you have ever had water contamination in your fuel system, this is how the vehicle behaved.

kb0001, what did it mean in the Army?

This may be a little off topic, but before I was a mechanic I worked in a tire shop where we did a lot of truck tires. One night one of our good customers, a young owner-operator, drove around the back of the shop in his truck tractor, and without hopping out or anything, hollered, “Yo! Put a NYLON on it!”

Before I could say a word he roared away, diesel engine wailing like crazy. I’m thinking, What the hell is a “nylon”, & what does he mean by “it”? I had been inside, and didn’t know he had just dropped off the dump trailer that was now sitting outside the shop.

I knew the guy hauled soybeans, & there were some laying in the back of the empty trailer, and I started surmising that most non-radial truck tires, which was what this guy ran, were of nylon construction, as opposed to polyester, or fiberglass, etc. Then I looked at the 8 tires on the back of the trailer. 7 were just barely serviceable, & one of the outers was bald. I started thinking that must be the wheel that needed the “nylon” on it.

My boss agreed & told me to just do the one tire. It took longer to do the work than to figure out what the guy wanted done.

I remember on time I was doing a used car check out and I wrote “all brakes good”. Well my handwriting was off a bit and the advisor asked what “6oo D” ment.

Just found this one!

Gotta love that question, too: “Uh…which part of my car is missing?”

And mleich’s reply: “Houston, we have a problem!”



We park all the cars/trucks in the back…
and the kid walks in the front door…

…uh…dad ?

See recently posted question: “ABS system fried, 1995 Cadillac Sedan Seville SLS Northstar”

Customer came into our repair shop for a repair

Emp: what model car
cust: sr5
emp: ok, what model car?
cust: it’s an sr5
emp: yes its a toyota but what model?
cust: (angry) I SAID ITS AN SR5
emp: you have a toyota, sr5 means its fancy, its a trim level, do you have a cressida, corolla, rn series pickup or what?

then the guy got a hint.

I can beat that!

  1. whattheBlEeEoPissrongwifmiCAR
  2. Dude–Where’s My Car???


Whoa. You need to get to the point faster. A.

it smells

different forum, but here are some from Yahoo Answers. (I have many dozens)

Will a peenish pump make brasts bigger?
How come light bulbs run out when it uses electricity?
Can microwaves have children?
Do you think if the earth was completely sideways the water would fall off?
Why doesn’t the earth fall down?
Why does the sun have to be so far away?
How come my washing machine won’t work if I connect the plug to a AA battery?
Do you know what’s in that building over there?
Need to know number ? Need it for computer
Who invented electricity? And why did they make it hurt when you touch it?
What happens when you cut paper? What happens to the cut part?
Are tools really necessary?
Who invented water, and when was it invented?
How can I carry moonbeams home in a jar?
When the titanic?
What does neptune taste like?


There’s another good one. “What the hell happened?”

My break lite is on and my peddle gose to the floor. Is my car safe to drive?

cust : "I need some heater hose. "
me: "ok, ( stretching out my arms ) how long do you need it ?"
cust ; peplexed look, thinks for a minute