What do you tell telemarketers?

@ok4450. You don’t want to use the electricity generated by the wind turbine. A strong breeze gets the turbine spinning so fast that the kilowatts generated move so fast that they blow the plugs out of the electrical outlets.


Did you answer? :laughing:

Of course, then I sent myself payment in form of a gift card!

Threat of shutdown for not car related, Cars, like the call we want to buy out your lease, wife went in to talk, would only cost us 4 grand for a car a year newer.

At home, if the caller is not identified I answer “Defense Intelligence Agency, Fraud Investigations.”

But mostly wasted since the auto warrantee calls have automated voices. It is rare that I get a fraudulent call on my personal lines that have an actual human at the other end.

Not answering is not an option since the call might have to do with a family medical emergency. The “if it is important they will leave a message” attitude just doesn’t work for me.

Much bigger problem are the many, many calls to my office, around 3/4ths of them are people asking if they can send me white papers, usually for VOIP systems. I have moved from quickly saying “No interest, I just bought one” to just hanging up on them. Thankfully my new office phone system has a blocking feature.

A few months ago my cell phone got a call from itself. Twice!

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